I know there are a handful of us who are expecting and I'm trying to wrap my head around logistics getting around-wise. The girls will be about to turn 2 when baby #3 arrives. I bought an ergo and have a bjorn. So, I'm thinking I'll wear the baby and only go to stores with double carts. As far as other outings go I can't figure it out. I may need to reconsider my aversion to backpack leashes Will I use my double stroller and just have one kid walking? Do I need a single stroller at all?
I'm already panicked about potty training two with a newborn, yikes.
Other twin moms with an infant have any tips on the above or anything else?
Re: Moms of Toddler Twins +1
How far along are you? I posted a similar (maybe more panicked) post a while back, and I haven't got much done/prepared for the new baby yet.
I'm thinking I'll go to Costco where they have double carts and wear baby. I'm getting NOWHERE with my local grocery store to add some double carts.
When I want to go to a no-double cart store I'll bring my double stroller as I do now.... get girls into stroller, and then wear baby. It sounds like too much. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. It's hard enough now, shopping with a stroller and trying to get everything on to the belt. Doing that while wearing a baby sounds awkward. But, I'm sure it will become routine eventually???
I will get a single stroller, but not sure which. Maybe just a SNG for when DH, or someone else is with me, and we can each push a stroller. I can't see investing in a BOB for when we want to use our BOB Duallie.
I have looked on CL for a triple stroller just in case there's an incredible deal, but I haven't seen any posted at all.
As for the back-pack leashes. I have them! They have been sitting in a bag for 6mos, and I think if I'm going to use them, now is the time to get the girls used to it. Until recently I could take them to the park by myself, but now Audrey is too fast, and I am too slow. LOL.
Potty training - I might bring out a potty (Audrey has some interest) in the next couple months, but don't plan on trying to get them trained by the time baby comes. Even if they did get trained, I think there would be regression with the new baby.
So, sorry, no tips! I am in the same boat
My guys were 26 months when #3 was born. I ended up using a Bjorn and later a hip carrier a lot. But, I also didn't take all three of them anywhere by myself if I could help it. I saved grocery store trips for the evenings when kids were in bed and DH was home. Sad to say but a trip to the grocery store, by myself, was my treat to myself for a while there. Especially when I went to the stores with a Starbuck's in them!
A word on potty training...I gave it up. I just couldn't take it and it stressed me out more than anything else. I waited until the boys were closer to three until I got serious about it. Sure I spent more on pulls ups but it saved my sanity.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
I'll let ya know what I decide to leave the house!!!!
Haha, j/k (kinda). I have a Triple ABC Adventure Buggy that I LOVE but it is quite heavy so I didn't use it by myself until I was cleared to lift things after 6 weeks post c/s. I don't know if I would get it if my twins were closer to 2 than closer to 1 like mine were because I see as they get older, they want to be in the stroller less. I met a mom like you (twins 2 years older than baby) and she taught them to hold on to the cart or stroller but I don't think mine would! I have considered a leash but DH won't let me, lol! They would just get tangled together, haha.
If I have one suggestion it is to use the Ergo!!! I have one and use it every day (in the house!)
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10