Cloth Diapering

i have my first fluff mail on its way!!!

im so excited!!

i just placed my first orders and i feel like a child waiting for christmas morning!

on its way:

1 xs thirsties cover

4 sm thirsties covers

1 med thirsties cover

10 sm WAHM AIO's

10 med WAHM AIO's

3 nb WAHM fitted

3 sm WAHM fitted

2 med WAHM fitted

36 flannel wipes

1 wahmies wetbag

this is just the start to my stash. im just buying things here and there as i find good deals. im so excited to cloth diaper!

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Re: i have my first fluff mail on its way!!!

  • Hahaha! Wait till you get giddy over prepping the stuff.  Somehow it feels way more fun then just regular laundry.  And folding it, organizing....
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemoussy:
    Hahaha! Wait till you get giddy over prepping the stuff.  Somehow it feels way more fun then just regular laundry.  And folding it, organizing....

    So true!  I got a lot of CD at my shower last weekend and when I got home I was way to excited to do the laundry....DH thought I was little bit odd! lol

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