How did you know you wanted to go natural? I just watched Business of Being Born and it really got me to thinking. Did friends, family, coworkers, whomever, tell you that you were crazy? What did you do? I haven't discussed it with anyone yet, but I don't do well under pressure; I tend to care what others think too much. How has recovery with a 2nd degree tear been?
Sorry, that was a lot of questions!
Charlotte Elizabeth - March 15, 2009
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
I only told a few of my closest friends. When others asked if I was going to get an epi, I told them "probably, but we will see what happens". Just to shut them up. I didn't feel like discussing it with people & I didn't want people to say "I told you so!"
Honestly, the reason I wanted to try natural is because I had a miscarriage last year & I really think it was b/c we weren't trying to get pregnant & I was taking a lot of headache medicine. I still blame myself. I wanted to give her the start to life that I couldn't give my other baby. Plus, I'm terrified of c/s & it seems like once you start having interventions it leads to a million more interventions.
You can do it! Just research your butt off & you will gain the confidence.
Recovery wasn't bad. Of course, I have nothing to compare it to but I was really sore for about a week. Like it was hard to sit comfortably. Then just a little sore for the next week. The bleeding is just now starting to lighten up. I also had what they called "skid" marks that they couldn't sew up so that stung for a while but I used the spray & it was fine.
Wow, your story gave me confidence in myself. I too am determined to do this entirely natural and people think I'm crazy. I've read numerous materials on the side effects of drugs and also watched "The Business of Being Born", which made me view labor so much differently. I too deep down think, I have no pain tolerance, I can't do this. I told my husband to keep strong for me because natural childbirth is best for the baby.
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl. I want to try to go natural but I don't tell many people because they all have their opinions and they are all right.
I have to add.. I did not plan on having a natural delivery, but the anesthesiologist forgot the medication and realized it when the epi cath was in my back!! As he went to fetch it, the nurse checked me, and it was time to push anyway! I did have an episiotomy, and it was not comfortable, but all in all, I left the hospital ready to do it again ASAP! You can do it, and if you need help it is ok!
Re: My Natural Birth Story
Your baby girl is beautiful!
How did you know you wanted to go natural? I just watched Business of Being Born and it really got me to thinking. Did friends, family, coworkers, whomever, tell you that you were crazy? What did you do? I haven't discussed it with anyone yet, but I don't do well under pressure; I tend to care what others think too much. How has recovery with a 2nd degree tear been?
Sorry, that was a lot of questions!
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
Honestly, the reason I wanted to try natural is because I had a miscarriage last year & I really think it was b/c we weren't trying to get pregnant & I was taking a lot of headache medicine. I still blame myself. I wanted to give her the start to life that I couldn't give my other baby. Plus, I'm terrified of c/s & it seems like once you start having interventions it leads to a million more interventions.
You can do it! Just research your butt off & you will gain the confidence.
Wow, your story gave me confidence in myself. I too am determined to do this entirely natural and people think I'm crazy. I've read numerous materials on the side effects of drugs and also watched "The Business of Being Born", which made me view labor so much differently. I too deep down think, I have no pain tolerance, I can't do this. I told my husband to keep strong for me because natural childbirth is best for the baby.
Thank you so much for sharing!