Hello, I am due in August and I am a freelancer that works from home in Charleston. I am trying to figure out if I should do daycare or hire a nanny/babysitter for 3 days a week. Does anyone know the costs of either in this area? I am originally from Boston so my ideas of costs are probably WAY higher than down here in Charleston. Any ideas would really help.
Thank you!
Re: Daycare or Nanny part time?
Not sure where you live (I am downtown) but there are very few daycare that do part time. La Petit in James Island does and I know a friend pays around 88/week for 2 days so may be around 130-150 for 3 days a week. (they may have another location too) You have to set the days to be the same each week.
That would should be cheaper than a nanny which I think is around $10/hour. I visited 4 other day cares in James Island but they were all full time only.
I personally would go with a Nanny part time. If you go with a daycare you can expect your baby to be sick (and yourself + husband) nonstop for about 6 months. Daycare has lots of germs. So most likely you will be spending a lot of time at home anyways with a sick baby. With a nanny your baby is at home with you so if you wanted to still breast feed you have the ability. I had both of my kids in daycare when I worked because there were no other options. My son didnt start daycare until he was 3 months old and got RSV 3 times from daycare.