
Twins and Downs

Do twins have a higher risk of downs per baby than singletons?  My dr. said that but I haven't been able to find anything online.  I am trying to decide whether to have a CVS.  I am 34.
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Re: Twins and Downs

  • My doctor said the same thing ... that twins have double the risk, but I am not sure whether that is because each twin has a normal risk and that somehow "doubles" the risk or whether there is a true increased risk.  Best wishes!
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
  • My OB told me at my last appt when discussing genetic testing that your risk is double, because there are 2 babies, not double per child.  Does that make sense?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Boy/Girl twins born at 36w1d via c-section Chloe Mae 6lb 2oz Chase Christopher 6lb 0oz
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  • Older mothers are statistically more likely to have twins, and are also more likely to have babies with Downs. So it makes sense that there would be a higher occurrence of Downs among twins, not just because they're twins, but because a greater percentage of them are born to mother's that are already at increased risk.

    We opted not to do the CVS testing because we got good measurements at our NT scan, and wouldn't have terminated anyway. In our case it didn't make sense to incur a procedure with a risk of miscarriage. 

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