
Infant car seats w/triangle handle

1. A friend of mine said the infant car seats with the triangle handles are very uncomfortable to carry..I realize this may be a preference issue but I'm curious what you ladies think of the triangle handles, are they not ideal?

 Here is an example one I was looking into getting.

 The double stroller I like at our local target store is baby trend so I figured it would be best to get the same brand infant car seats.

2. Do you think it would be ok to get a different brand car seat if I dont like this type of handle?

3. What about the L handles in the evenflo infant carriers, any thoughts there?


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Re: Infant car seats w/triangle handle

  • My only thought about the triangle handle is this -

    When DDs got heavy but I kept them in their infant seats, I would carry the seats in the crook of my arm.  Doesn't look possible with this handle.  

  • imagedtwmco:

    My only thought about the triangle handle is this -

    When DDs got heavy but I kept them in their infant seats, I would carry the seats in the crook of my arm.  Doesn't look possible with this handle.  

    We have them for the triplets and they are just fine.  And I do carry all three in the crook of my arm.  My girls are 16lb and my son is 20lb. 

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  • I also carry the seats in the crook of my arm, so the handle doesn't need to be anything special for me. 
  • imagecaden:
    I also carry the seats in the crook of my arm, so the handle doesn't need to be anything special for me. 

    Glad others with experience chimed in. :)

    FWIW, the graco snugrides were very uncomfortable to carry, so I hope these will be better for you!

    ETA: Looks like I may have quoted the wrong post, but you know what I mean. :)

  • i have those seats and that stroller. I have not put a baby in the seat yet (hopefully next week!) but I have carried it around the house trying to figure it out and put it in the car to try it out and it seems to work fine.  They seem to be a little bulkier than the snugride but seem cozier to me.
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  • I had them and liked them.  I actually prefer those handles b/c the weight is distributed across the entire triangle instead of just 1 bar.  I did sell my BT's and get a snugride 35 so I could keep them in the seats longer (wanting to keep them in infant seats until spring b/c we can keep them warmer in the infant seats.
  • Thank you all very much! We'll get to target soon and play around with it to see how it works. I would also think it would be easier to carry but maybe it really just is a preference issue.

     Thanks again!

    Spontaneous ID Twin Girls - born 38w 2d Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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