
Mirena IUD users please come in.. I just got mine..

I just had the Mirena IUD put in 2 weeks ago.  The last couple of days, I have had horrible cramping all the way up into my abdomen. I tried ibuprofen and it isn't helping. I also started bleeding (bright red) today. I called the doctor today and left them a message so I am waiting to hear back from them.  If you have the Mirena IUD, did you experience anything like this?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Mirena IUD users please come in.. I just got mine..

  • I haven't had the cramping but I have had the bright red a few times, although I have been spotting everyday since I got it 3 months ago.
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  • EMTEMT member

    yeah I pretty much felt like I was in early labor the first couple days after and bled ("lightly" but it was red) for months.

    ETA: just noticed that this happened weeks after the insertion for you. I def would talk to doc because i would think the symptoms would be getting better not worse as time goes by.

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