I just got a summons. I swear, I get them every. single. year, and when I call the night before, I don't have to go. Meanwhile, DH never gets them. Ever.
Anyway...I'm a SAHM, and really don't have anyone that can watch the girls during the week. On the back form there's the "hardship" reason that you can't participate...one of them is providing care for another and that not doing so would provide financial hardship......
Anyone tried that option? Sound like I would qualify? It says to provide documentation...how do I prove that?
(I know this is my duty as a citizen, blah, blah, blah, and when I was working outside of the home I never tried to get out of it- just before anyone freaks out on me)
Re: Jury Duty as a SAHM
I just got a summons as well. I also get them every year. DH gets them every year as well. I get them for our small town. DH gets them for the county court.
My brothers all seem to get them every year too. One of my brothers had to serve a 18 month term on the Grand Jury. He said he really loved it.
I have no reason to get out of it
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)
I am still nursing in the morning and in the evening- so it IS true.
Thanks ladies!