Alabama Babies

Nursing Mommas

I plan to nurse. I am wondering what brand nursing pads do you prefer? Any tips?


Erin~N~Gregg 6/30/07 Project 365 imageCafeMom Tickers

Re: Nursing Mommas

  • Lansinoh pads were the best!  There is a Lansinoh knockoff...I can't remember which generic brand it is though.
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  • For the short time I was able to nurse, I liked the lansinoh pads, too.  They stayed in place and weren't as noticeable.

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  • I'll echo everyone else - I think I just got a big box of the Lansinoh or Medela nursing pads. 

    I also cannot recommend the Lansinoh Soothie Gel Pads enough. It's not letting me insert the link, but here they are on the Toys R Us website: These were a lifesaver after I got home from the hospital as the nips were getting used to breastfeeding. They are reusable for 12 hours so you may want to get a couple packs, but it makes the first/second weeks bearable. 

    Also make sure you have some lanolin and sleeping nursing bras on hand. Best of luck to you! If you can get through the first few weeks, it gets so much easier and is really a great experience :)

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  • Ditto every one else but wanted to add..... Take a class. It was the best two hours we could have taken to prepare. As far as bras, I love the bravado body silk bras. They are wireless and supportive and great!! If you have any more questions I'll be happy to help!!!
  • I agree about the lansinoh pads they were fabulous. The medela ones were good too. I loved the nursing tanks from target. they were a lifesaver. I actually still wear them as undershirts.

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