We are currently still on 4 bottles (of formula) a day and I am wondering how to handle the transition off bottles (to milk in sippies).
This is how it looks for us now (at 11 months):
7 am - bottle
8:30 am - breakfast
11:30 am - bottle
1 pm - lunch
2:30 pm - bottle
6 pm - dinner
6:30 pm - bottle
How did you work this?
Re: can you share your 1 year food schedule?
Ugh, the transition to sippies is not going well for us. The girls were actually better with sippies about a month ago than they are now. Grace likes cups, but only drinks out of them a little bit, then bites them. Mary refuses to drink from them at all. They actually went down for nap today without having their usual milk first because they refused to drink it. Didn't drink it again after naps, so I put it in bottles and, of course they drank it.
We never had this problem with our boys, so I'm at a loss.
With our boys, they quit formula cold turkey and went straight to milk, which worked great for them. The girls didn't really like milk when we had them try it, so we slowly weaned them off the formula by mixing the two and gradually adding more milk. They still don't like the milk straight out of the fridge, and they hate their sippies. Lord, help me! ; )
Sorry, guess I went on a sippy rant without giving our schedule ; )
7:00 - bottle (milk)
9:00 - breakfast
11:00 - bottle or cup of milk before nap
1:30 or 2:00 - lunch (w/milk)
5:00 - bottle or cup of milk
6:00 - dinner
We have had sippy regression, too. They know how to suck from them but spit water all over their shirts. Can't wait for them to do this with milk. UGH.
I wonder if I should try to drop a bottle now. I think they would handle it just fine. Besides, 32 oz of formula a day at 11 months is probably a bit on the high side? Pedi said they should be around 16 oz by their 1st birthday.
This is stressing me out. =/
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I just Googled the other day because I was wondering how much milk the girls should be getting... looks like 16-24 oz. is the norm. They did mention that the amount might be on the lower end if the babies are getting a lot of cheese, yogurt, etc.
Good Luck!!
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk along with one of the following combinations
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk along with one of the following combinations
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk along with one of the following combinations
with7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk along with one of the following combinations
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk,
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk along with one of the following combinations
7 am- Sippy cup of 6 oz milk, some fruit and one of the following:
english muffin
9am- 5 oz water + 1 oz juice
11am- 6 oz milk with a veggie and one of the following combos:
chicken pie
shephard's pie
chicken nuggets and fries
hot dog and macaroni and cheese
fish sticks and noodles
2 pm- 1 oz juice +5 oz water
with either crackers, cut up fruit or veggies, teddy grahams, yogurt, cheese, puffs, dry cereal, melts, etc.
5:30 pm- 6 oz milk and whatever we are having consisting of a meat, starch and veggie.
7pm- 4oz milk before bed
Hi, I'm in the same boat! As of today they turned 11 months & this is how my schedule is until they hit 11.5 months. I introduced sippy cups very early. So I'm down to only 2 bottles a day, I've been at 3 for several months now.
3pm- Sippy cup (of forumla) to get them use to sippys
5-5:30pm -dinner
7pm -bottle
When they hit 11.5 months I am cancelling the morning bottle & the 3pm formula & introducing milk in sippys. I may even start milk tomorrow for the 3pm sippy cup. Then when they turn 12 months I am stopping all formula & bottles. Well my plan at least & so far I have not had any problems when I take the bottles out, mine do very well w/ sippy cups.
Good luck!
At that age I was doing water and/or juice (we had constipation issues
) in sippy cups during snack and lunch, and keeping milk in bottles. I'm a nut and really wanted to make sure they were getting their milk calories.
I think we switched to cow's milk (transitioned a few days with 1/2 milk/ 1/2 formula) in bottles. Once I knew they really liked milk... they did right away... I replaced bottles with sippy cups.
The only bottle we kept was the bedtime bottle. Two reasons: First, I loved that special, calm time with them. Second, when I switched their milk to sippy cups, their milk intake plummeted. Ped said not to worry about the milk calories at all, but if it made me feel better I could keep on with the bedtime bottle till 18mos. I did. They have since started taking a little more milk in cups. Ped says no biggie.
Sched. was loosely:
Breakfast & Milk #1 - 7/7:30
Snack - (water/juice in cup) and cheerios - 9am
Lunch - (w/ water in cup) - noonish
Snack - Milk #2 and more substantial food - 3:30
Dinner - (w/ water in cup) 6pm
Bedtime bottle - Milk #3 - 7/7:30
The difference in sched. now is that they get milk with dinner and no bedtime bottle.
We're in the same boat and I'm dragging my feet on the transition. They just turned one last week and now we are doing half formula half milk. Here is our schedule now:
7am 5oz bottle
8am breakfast (oatmeal, pancakes, yogurt, fruit, waffle, etc.)
9am nap
10:30ish Offer sippy cup of milk/formula (they usually don't drink much of it)
11:30 lunch
2:00 nap
3:30 or 4ish Another sippy cup of milk/formula
5:00 dinner
7:00 bedtime bottle-5oz
My pedi said that it is important to introduce the sippy cup so that they get used to it, but as long as they are not carrying their bottle around with them all day that letting them have a bottle in the am and pm is okay. When they have their bottle, they lie on their boppy (or at night we hold them), drink the whole thing and then the bottle goes away.
Thanks, ladies! I talked with the nanny today and we are going to eliminate the 11 am bottle, so we drop to 3 bottles a day. That will still be 24 oz a day of formula, and maybe they'll eat more lunch.
Then the next goal will be to offer a sippy of milk with lunch and eliminate all but morning and night bottles. Then we'll go from there.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
The first bottle we dropped was their morning bottle after their morning nap. We basically had a schedule just like yours. I started giving them milk in the sippy around 11 months at lunch just to introduce it to them. After they turned a year we went cold turkey. When I was out of formula I put away the bottle and only offered them sippys. We had a rough couple of days but they eventually got over it and are now sippy pros. They also dropped another feeding in there as we went. Our new schedule is
7:30 breakfast with a sippy of milk
11:30 lunch with a sippy of milk
4pm snack with a sippy of very watered down juice
5pm dinner and a sippy of milk
if they still seem hungry we will offer them more milk before bed but they have lost interest in that. Good luck!