
Did you sell or donate old baby clothes?

I'm going through all the stuff Nate's outgrown and I'm so torn. We have some really cute stuff, but some that's already been handed down a few times. Should I try to sell the nicer stuff individually? Sell bags of it? I really just want it out of my house while I'm motivated, but we could use some extra money.

I haven't taken any kind of special care of the clothes. They're all machine washed (unless the tag specifically said to hand wash) and machine dried.

Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church

Re: Did you sell or donate old baby clothes?

  • We have some great county-wide consignment sales here and the return is much better than selling it at a store (or a garage sale).

    I will likely take pretty much everything there.  If it doesn't sell, they take care of the donation so it would all be gone at once and I can probably make a few bucks.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I donate every single thing to a local Emergency Care Organization. The last time I was in there I told them I had a ton of panties from DD and wasn't sure if they would take something like that. Most of them were never worn. They said, "When you lose everything. You'll need everything." As much as I could use the extra money, I just give it to them. Every once in a while I will take bigger things to Once Upon a Child. 

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  • I usually donate or give them to a friend.  I have garage saled before but I only do that if a family member is having a sale because I don't like having them.  It's just not usually worth my time to sort through everything and try to resell it.  If I have some exceptionally nice things to get rid of I just find someone I know will appreciate them.


  • I gave nearly all of DD's baby clothes to my nieces.  I did, however, sell a lot of maternity clothes on ebay.  I didn't make much on them, though.
  • I gave all of my maternity clothes and all dd's outgrown clothes to my cousin.  I told her I never wanted any of it back, so she could feel free to give it away after she was done with it.  I had a ton of stuff, and she could be making money off of it for all I know.  I just wanted the clutter gone...there were 9-10 18 gallon buckets in that first batch and I have done 3 seasons of cleaining out since that were passed on to her.

    Her 1 yo weighs almost as much as my 5 year old at this point.  I think she'll be giving dd her clothes she grows out of soon!

  • I sell as much as I can and donate the rest. I can't afford to give away everything that I buy for the kids.

    I sold a few hundred dollars worth of clothes at my yard sale, and that bought a couple of seasons worth of clothes for both kids.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • EMTEMT member

    Honestly, I've tried to sell nicer things on ebay and CL and it turned out to be a PITA and not worth it to me. We have a high end consignment store and I take the things I know she's likely to buy to her. I get store credit even though she will give cash as well (less cash though). She also carries new stuff in some of the boutique brands so I usually buy some of that. I actually went today and got DS a Charlie Rocket shirt and DD a cute tank top with some of my "credit". I don't buy the boutique brands usually (too $$$$) so it's nice treat that I don't have to pay for.

    Everything else goes to goodwill or friends.

  • Gave a bunch to friends, and yard saled a bunch.  Mostly the girl stuff.  Boy stuff mostly was given away.
  • DD goes to in-home daycare I just take it there & whoever wants it takes it. It is really weird to see one of the other girls wearing DD old stuff. 
  • Donated 90% of it. I'm far too lazy to sell, and not much has big value. I am stockpiling for a 2x year consignment sale that ends up being a swap for me. People were so generous when we had both kids w/ hand me downs and borrowed clothes, I need to pay it forward.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • Right now, it is all stored for my sister.  They plan on ttc this year.  After they are done having kids, I will donate most of it and probably try ebay-ing the nicest stuff.

    ETA: It is NOT being stored at my house!

  • It's too much work for me to try to sell things or hold a garage sale (HOA organizes it, but it's a PITA). I give away or donate. I got so much of it as hand-me-downs myself, I figure that I probably wouldn't get much for it anyway.

    I did OUAC once, and got $12 from a big box of clothes. Not worth it to me.

  • We sell or donate as motivated. Pass onto those who can use it if I'm aware of someone who needs it.

    We've had a lot given to us but we've also bought a lot. So I figure sell what we can and pass on what does (or what we know a friend or family member would appreciate).

    When a friend has their yard sale they lay out all the clothes on a table and put plastic grocery bags next to them. Then it's 'Stuff a bag for $3 or $5'. It works really well for getting rid of a lot of stuff!  Plus it's a great deal for the buyer and easy for the person taking the money. Works for adult and kids clothes as you'd expect to pay more for adult clothes and well, they take up more room in the bag. :)  We've done it once and it worked like a charm.

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