Baby Names

1st name to go w. Anthony Sullivan

It was hard enough to pick my son's name now we have to find 4 more boy names. Big brother is Thomas Mark.  Mark is my husband's and FIL's name.  Anthony is my Dad's name.  We are fairly traditional and aren't into alternative spellings. Any suggestions for 1st names to go with Anthony Sullivan?
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Re: 1st name to go w. Anthony Sullivan

  • I see in your siggy you're having twin boys. Does that mean that you want first names to go with Anthony AND Sullivan separately?

    Such as in... Samuel Anthony and Jacob Sullivan?

    Or do you want... Samuel Anthony Sullivan?  (One name.)

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • Like I said I need 4 names total so I will take all suggestions!  I was just trying to think of first names if we did use my dad's name (Anthony) as a middle name for one of the babies. I don't think there are any other family names that we would want to use for the other baby so I haven't even started contemplating that one.
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  • I love Anthony Sullivan!

    My suggestions for Twin #2:

    My favorite brother set would probably be Thomas, Anthony, and Nicholas.  Good luck choosing.  We had the hardest time naming Twin #2 (we had Benjamin David picked out from the start).  Boys are tough! 

  • I agree that Anthony Sullivan flows together nicely. Other suggestions using the names and traditional type first names....

    Caleb Anthony

    David Anthony

    Ryan Anthony

    Patrick Sullivan

    Richard Sullivan

    Christopher Sullivan





  • Anthony Sullivan is the name of the "pitchman" for OxiClean & some other products, so I wouldn't use those names together.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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