
Anyone that has/had Fibroids?

I had the worst AF of my life the week of Christmas.  I have PCOS and I rarely get a period.  So I called my GYN and they said go to the hospital because I was bleeding that bad and none of the doctors where in.

Long story short a visit with the "wand" showed that I have at least 1 fibroid.  I have a follow up appointment with my doctor but I was wondering if anyone has any experence with fibroids and IF.  How did your doctor treat you?

All of the women in my family developed then well after they had kids so it was no big deal to them when they had a hysterectomy.


image TTC with PCOS since Feb. 07. Currently on a break to save $$ for IUI. Searching for My Mini M&M

Re: Anyone that has/had Fibroids?

  • I had a small fibroid (in addition to 3  ovarian cysts) removed last February. They did a myomyectomy (due to the size of the cysts) and got everything out perfectly fine. We were told we couldn't try for a couple of months afterward because the uterine lining was thin from where the fibroid had been removed and they wanted it to be fully healed before I could possibly get pregnant and streatch it out.

     I also know someone who's fibroid wasn't discovered until her emergency C-section. They removed it then and she has since had another child with no complications. So chances are they will be able to remove it relatively easily and after a few months you'll be able to resume whatever you need to do to get pregnant.

     Good Luck!

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  • We found I had a fibroid while we were doing some repeat testing before my 3rd IVF.  It was very small, but because of the location, I had to have it removed. (it was distorting the shape of my uterus and the RE said it would likely prevent implantation).

    It was on the outside (or in uterine muscle? can't remember) so I had to have an abdominal myomectomy/mini-laparotomy to have it removed.  Then we need to wait 3 months for my uterus to heal before trying IVF again. 

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  • After my third miscarriage, I was having an ultrasound done where they found a fibroid and some polyps.  I had a hysteroscopy to remove the polyps, but the fibroid was left alone because my Dr. wasn't convinced that it actually was a fibroid. He was an idiot in my opinion.

    When my fourth pregnancy was discovered to be a blighted ovum, the ultrasound showed that I definitely had a fibroid measuring the size of a tennis ball.  Luckily it shrunk down after my hormone levels went back to normal, but my Dr. wanted to determine whether it needed to be removed or not.  Unfortunately, the radiologist wouldn't allow an HSG until 3 months post-miscarriage.  I just had the HSG done in Dec. and apparently everything with my uterus checked out okay.  Now I just hope it really doesn't cause any complications as we go forward with IVF. Time will tell...

    BFP #1 6/20/06 M/C 9w4days
    BFP #2 12/2/08 M/C 5w4days
    BFP #3 6/9/09 M/C 4w4days
    BFP #4 6/22/10 M/C 8w
    Sept. 2010 DH Dx: chromosomal balanced translocation (4,10){q21,p15}
    BFP #5 5/12/11 M/C 7w1days
    BFP #6 8/6/11 Gavin Knox born 4/12/12!
    BFP #7 10/1/2013 still birth @ 28 weeks following a UBT girl diagnosis
  • I haven't had fibroids but my cousin has.  She and her DH got pg on their own (they had no known IF issues) about a year and a half ago and sadly miscarried around 8 weeks or so.  It was discovered at the time of her m/c that she had a pretty sizable fibroid.  She apparently never ever had any symptoms of fibroids before.  So she had a myomectomy to remove the fibroid.  It's basically a laparotomy (an incision in the stomach).  Her dr. felt as though the fibroid led to her m/c.  Fibroids can impede implantation and starve developing embryos, from what I understand.

    I know she was told to wait to conceive 3-6 months after her myomectomy to allow her uterus to heal.

    I think it depends on the size and location of the fibroid as to whether it's cause for concern or not.  GL!  I hope it's nothing to worry about. 

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