Never seen one of those before.
Just got home from the hospital. Again. I had hours of intense contractions every two minutes today. I couldn't walk or talk through them. And then I started puking.
The on-call doc checked for ruptured membranes. With a light-up speculum. That glowed blue. So weird.
Still no baby. No cervical change. Still having contractions. The nurse said they could continue for weeks like this. Lovely. So I'll be waiting until girlfriend is falling out before I head back to the hospital.
Re: What do you suppose a light-up speculum costs?
Thanks for understanding. I'm a freaking train wreck.
I'm 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. My doc won't do anything for induction until 39w. They offered me an Ambien to help me sleep through them or a shot of Morphine to try and take the pain away. I refused both because the Ambien makes me loopy and not be able to wake up and I need to be able to take care of the boys. Morphine isn't an option because it makes me feel loopy, too, and I'm not really in pain -- it's more of a nuissance/state of being uncomfortable. I'm just tired and frazzled.
I was given morphine with Ethan...I went from 3 to 5 cm in a couple of hours. Go back and get a shot of it! It would be best if you waited a few more days, but after 37 weeks, I'd start doing things like evening primrose oil (though it seems your cervix is ripening fine at 50%) and red raspberry leaf tea. I'd avoid things like castor oil and nipple stimulation, but other old wives tales wouldn't be an awful idea.
Really, I know it's not ideal to have a baby this early, but people who have been through what you're going through understand. I literally was going crazy. I didn't sleep for a few weeks for more than 5 minutes at a time. I was given sleeping pills, and they just made me feel worse.
I am really sorry you are going through this. Hope both you and baby can hang in a few more weeks.
And since you asked:
Assuming the hospital draws pricing from one of the major GPO contracts:
The light source costs roughly $156.
The disposoble specula cost 8-13 cents each
replacement bulbs cost $12.50 for a box of 10
and a replacement handpiece, which breaks frequently, costs $28.00
(bet you didn't think anyone would actually know this, LOL)