Vivienne Elise *eller
We both really like it, and will probably use the NN Viv. Is it too many e's? I like the flow of it. Suggestions for other MN? Thanks much!
Me - 40, DH 34 Married 11 years, TTC since 7/09 3 rounds of Clomid > Vivienne born 5/28/11
TTC#2 since 01/13 - 3 rounds of Clomid, 2 IUI w/injectibles, moving to IVF
IVF #1 - Lupron 20 6/19, Follistim 225 6/21, Menopur 75 6/27, Trigger 6/30
ER 7/2 (8R, 7M, 5F); ET 7/5 - 2 8 cell, grade 1 and 1 7 cell, grade 1 Stick babies, stick!
BFP on HPT at 11dp3dt
Beta #1 13dp3dt 787
Beta #2 17dp3dt 6,007
1st u/s 5w2d showing one "good" sac and 2-3 questionable
2nd u/s 6w2d showing one baby with HR 128bpm
3rd u/s 7w1d - HR 159bpm - graduated from RE!
MaternT21 test results: no chromosomal issues, it's a BOY!!!
EDD March 25, 2014
Re: Thoughts on this name?
Obviously I'm a big fan of Vivian. I will caution you that the name in both forms is growing in popularity, which was a huge bummer to us because we chose the name (my great grandma's) not knowing a single Vivian/Vivienne of any age. Now, there are 3 at the gym day care DD goes to, and we're in a pretty small community. The other two are both Viviennes. I blame Brangelina!
The new Baby Center list mentions Vivienne as an up and coming name as well.
Anyway, if you're not concerned about that, go for it! We LOVE DD's name and usually call her Vivi or Viv. We get a ton of compliments on her name and I think it's a very pretty, feminine, classic name. We gave her my mom's name as her middle name (Jenae) but I also liked Vivian Jane or Vivian Lane. Vivienne Elise is great, imo.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Vivienne is NMS. Maybe Vivian Elise instead.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Love, love, love Vivienne/Vivian. And I like the Vivienne spelling here with Elise. I like the flowing e's.