I had an u/s today with my high risk doctor and he walked into the room and said "You're having identical twins" like he was 100% sure of it! I was so shocked because everything I had read said that you can't be sure until they are born, unless of course you have a boy/girl. Apparently there are two sacs, and one placenta. He said that if it were fraternal twins the "membrane"(?) would have been thicker, but it was thin so he knows based on that picture that they are identical. Anyone else have this happen?
I had no idea they could tell so early on! Excited nonetheless!
Re: 1 placenta, 2 sacs
chances are they are probably ID if the membrane is truly that thin- but you can't be 100% sure until they are born.
placentas can fuse together and look like one... and US's can be off - so it's never 100% while still pg if there are 2 sacs - but it sounds like they probably are ID, chance wise at least
Yes, the only way to know if they're identical early on is if the twins are sharing a chorionic sac (placenta). A very thin membrane between them is the tell-tale sign : ) I also had mono/di identicals.
Congrats and welcome to the board!!
I had the same and they are identical.
My triplets were discovered during a routine u/s at 17 weeks. At that point and going forward, we were always told that they were identical. They shared one placenta and one outer sac but had very thin membranes separating them.
The placenta was tested after they were born and it was confirmed to be just one placenta. And just looking at my girls - you can obviously tell that they are identical.
We're also having mono-di twins! The u/s tech told us as soon as she saw two that they were identical. It's amazing what they can tell these days!