So, I have been on break since Dec 17, I do not (or am not supposed to) go back til Jan 11 for work...
My supervisor texts me- to see about coming in Friday (not sure for how long) and gives me a list of things that will be going on Friday (one is a faculty meeting- I am SURE is mandatory) even though the adjunct employees are still on their break...But hey- the full time people have to come back- so why not have a meeting, so I get to mess up my vacation...thanks.
Anyway, I text her back and ask what time she needs me there, and how long she expects it to last-because it will be the 1st day after my DH's biopsy...(She is well aware he is having this done)
I havent heard anything back, I am sure she is irritated, but, I mean, if we get results back the day of his biopsy- depending on what they are, I might not need to be around people a few days...
Also, I would like to atleast be there for DH- even if he doesn't need me, but be here with him at home- to take care of him...anyway it is my vacation too.
I get irritated because they schedule meeting during adjunct employees' breaks (which is our vacation) so we have to forfeit our time... but the full time people- they would NEVER give up a day of their vacation...
I am mad- you think I am over reacting?
rant over.
Re: what? the nerve! (rant )
can you say you are not going to make it? that is too soon after the biopsy and you are on vacation. I would be pissed too and would probably not go in.
I am bitchy like that though. What are they gunna do if you dont go?
iui #5 2/7 + 2/8 = BFP!! 11 dpiui
Beta #1 2/18 11dpiui= 46, Beta #2 13dpiui 150, Beta #3 16dpiui 584!!
u/s revealed triplets! Baby B 3rd loss 8w2d. Twins! EDD 10/31/11 * c/s scheduled 10/12/11 My NEW BLOG
My sister said to wait a bit-if I didnt hear anything back- to text her again, and ask and say you I would try and make it if I could, but I probably wouldn't be able too...
what could they do? I work in a will to work state- I guess they could fire me... : (
I would be very annoyed.
My work is famous for doing things like that...ridiculous.
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
I know...I have already started paying down my credit cards (i have 2) and I have told DH that as soon as I pay them off, I am going to go to part time work...Yeah- they don't even pay us to come in on our days off either... i cant stand that!
Dh says- do that, and we'll talk...I think he thinks I can't do it... But I'll show him!
I would be pissed!!!! When I needed off the DAY OF my DH's biopsy my boss said to me "Do you go with him to all of his appointments? What is he a baby?" I wanted to slap the *** in her face!!!! She has had cancer and been through a lot, which I guess gives her the right to make little of eveyone elses problems. Mind you, she knows of all of our IF issues! People are ignorant when it comes to IF!!! I would say tell work you can't make it!! You could tell them that you have to bring DH back in that day for a post-op check! They will never know the difference!!!
I would be pissed!!!! When I needed off the DAY OF my DH's biopsy my boss said to me "Do you go with him to all of his appointments? What is he a baby?" I wanted to slap the *** in her face!!!! She has had cancer and been through a lot, which I guess gives her the right to make little of eveyone elses problems. Mind you, she knows of all of our IF issues! People are ignorant when it comes to IF!!! I would say tell work you can't make it!! You could tell them that you have to bring DH back in that day for a post-op check! They will never know the difference!!!
i would be pissed too, but i would probably go in for the meeting. they should have been upfront with you about the fact that you would have this meet before you went on break.
annoying people!
I know- one of the other teachers- he is in my dept and knows about it and says men are such babies...I was furious. I was thinking, you know I don't know what it's like, since men and woman are different, and I will never have a testicular biopsy. But I do know that everyone's pain thresh hold is different, and people need emotional support I will be there because I love him- and IF is a WE thing- not a me or you thing...
exactly. I was like ok you tell me 48 hours before... this is to be done, and we are leaving to go out of town (we are spending the night at my sister and bil's house)tomorrow. Thanks alot. : ( UGH!!!!!!!