Hi there,
I just had a successful VBAC last week and have a ques for those of you that have VBAC'd before. I tried to labor without pain meds but that quickly went out the window! Anyway, the labor before my epidural was all down low across my uterus where my c/s scar would be. I had no other ctx pain. Anyone else experience this? I'm just wondering if that was normal labor pain or more specific to a VBAC. The pain was so intense and it had me confused that I had nothing higher or in the back. No pressure or pain anywhere but across the bottom of my uterus.
I've searched the internet but am not really finding anything. It's not a big deal. I'm just curious if I can blame my uncontrollable pain on my previous incision or if I just couldn't handle normal labor! lol Oh, and so happy about VBAC'ing! This recovery is so different than a c/s. I hope for success for the rest of you!
Re: ? about labor pain
It's interesting that you brought this up. I had forgotten until this post that I had that same thought during labor. All of my pain was within my uterus, and lots of it was focused low and in the front. I never had back pain or felt contractions in my back with either of my labors - all pain was in the uterus, but I do remember a stronger sensation in the area where my scar is (but not confined to the scar iteslf). I don't know if there is any correlation though.
I tried to go epi free too this time. I wasn't able to do it. Contractions were almost on top of each other for most of my labor and the sensation of getting blasted in the abdomen with a shotgun repeatedly got old fast!
All of my contractions were very low like that during my labor and I hadn't ever had a c-section before (I ended up with one though). I remember that this surprised me. It felt exactly like menstrual cramps x100. I felt nothing any higher than my belly button.
Sounds like what my labor pains were like both times. I never had any pain or pressure in my back or higher up, just down low on the front of my uterus.
Congrats on your VBAC! The recovery is a world of difference - I was just excited I could sit up and use my abs with no pain, heh heh.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)