
Are my boys the only ones who DON'T STTN? :(

I was reading gigi'st about what time we got o bed and wake up and after reading this i was wondering, are tmy boys the only ones who continue to wake thought the night several times???  not to eat but to be soothed or help finding pacificer.  I have not slept though the night long to remember and the lack of prolonged sleep is starting to take a major toll on everything and everyone.  :(  Anyone have any ideas?  Can you kids come over and teach mine to STTN? :)
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Re: Are my boys the only ones who DON'T STTN? :(

  • Mine definitely don't always STTN, so I wouldn't say you are the only one.
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  • No, you're not alone! my one still wakes up 2-3 times a night...only once to eat and the others i haven't a clue? i think she just wants to be soothed only she and God know! i've pretty much given up nothing i do works and my other started sleeping through on her own at around 8 weeks...i guess the other just isn't ready? hang in there!!
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  • Nope.  Not at all.  Its gotten better than it was last month (up at least every hour), but definitely not STTN.  That's all I asked for for Christmas.  Oh well.  Maybe Santa will deliver next year.
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  • Mine don't STTN.  They still wake up atleast once to eat, sometimes 2x.  They take 6-7oz bottles every 3 hours during the day so I can't believe they are still so hungry at night, but they finish their bottles completely...Wish you luck on your babies, I feel like mine will never STTN.


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  • Nope not alone.  My boys only STTN every 3 days or so.  They just finished a stretch of waking up every 3 hours again for a bottles.  Lastnight it was only once but still I am looking forward to every night having them STTN.
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  • Definitely not! My boys are around the same age and they did not sleep through the night.  My son Evan in particular woke up soooo many times through the night just to be soothed and needing help getting his pacifier back.  I read the book Sleep Easy Solution and started following it a week ago and my boys have already made so much progress. 

    They do make you get rid of the pacifier if your child cannot put it back in by themselves 100% of the time (which neither of mine can).  I was sooo worried about that because my boys were so dependent on the paci at bed time but that has not been as bad as I thought.  It makes sense, it basically has you figure out what your baby's sleep associations are that help them fall asleep and if there is anything that they can't duplicate for themselves in the middle of the night, then you have to get rid of it. 

    I really liked it because it was easy and pretty quick to read (that was one of my problems - when your kids don't sleep, who has time to read a sleep training book?!).  It explains the reason for everything that you do and has a "crying 911" section for what to do when your child wakes up crying.  I liked that I could quickly reference this if I needed to and figure out what I should do. 

    Anyway, sorry to write a novel but I would really suggest it, it has definitely helped us so much and we're only really a week in. 

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  • My DS doesn't STTN at.all. I know they are still younger than yours, but I don't see his STTN status changing at all... he is too addicted to the pacifier and when he wakes and it is gone, he starts crying. 

    Last night DD STTN without making a peep, but DS was crying almost every hour on the hour.  Once he got his paci back, he was right back to sleep.  It is frustrating and exhausting. Every night I hope that it will be the night that he will STTN (even just once will make me happy).  So far, no luck.

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  • Ours don't even come close to sleeping through the night! Last night I made a note of what time it was and who got up...between 7pm (their bedtime) and 6am between them they were up 9 times.
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  • You're definitely not alone.
  • Mine aren't even close. They are up every 1.5-3 hours. I have been so tired for so long. I really need help!! I have no idea how to help them. I have tried to sit down and read a book about it, but I fall asleep.

    I was up at least 6 times last night. I hope this changes soon, but I just don't think it will.

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  • We used to use the paci- so they associated the paci with falling asleep- when it would fall out they would wake up (at the end of their sleep cycle) & cry out for me to come put it back in since they arent able to put it back in themselves yet.  I was up every hour & it was becoming a problem for everyone.. we were all losing so much sleep.  I quit the paci cold turkey (and this was just two days ago) They slept from 8 til 3 (one of them woke up) I soothed him back to sleep & they slept until 515, ate and went back to sleep til 830.  So in the past 4 months I've had about 5 nights where they STTN
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  • My DD STTN most nights, but my DS still wants to eat.  I dream feed DD when he wakes up.  She would be fine without it.  Sometimes he jsut wants to be held, so that's a little frustrating!  Hang in there, they will STTN eventually!
  • imagekaitley44:

    I have tried to sit down and read a book about it, but I fall asleep.

    I totally understand this, this was my problem for so long!  One night, I just could not take it anymore and I sat up and read as much as I could of The Sleep Easy Solution.  I kept almost drifting off but I was able to cram the basics into about 2 nights - I still have not read the book cover to cover but I think I got the essentials.

    In case you want some cliff notes, basically, you first have to write down your baby's sleep associations which are anything that they use to fall asleep and can't do for themselves (i.e. pacis, sleep sheeps, sound machines that don't go all night, etc.).  All of those have to be removed. 

    Then, if they wake up during the night, you give them 5 minutes and if they are still crying, you go into their room.  You don't touch them, you just go close enough so that they can see you and say some reassuring words like, you love them, they are ok, etc..  You stay no more than 30 seconds and then you leave again.  If they continue crying you wait 10 minutes before you go in again and then you do the same thing.  Then, if they are still crying, you wait 15 minutes and do the same again.  After that, the amount of time you wait stays at every 15 minutes.  For us, we started to realize that us going in was upsetting our son (the one who really needed the sleep training) more so we stopped going in (which the book says to do if you think that's what's happening).

    I'm not going to lie, it is very difficult but each night did get a little bit better and now, after a week, our son Evan may still wake up once or twice but he is able to get himself back to sleep after a few minutes, sometimes even less than a minute.  It helps to write down every time they wake up, bed time etc. so you can visually see the progress (less wake ups, shorter periods of crying etc.).  Now, I watch my son on the video monitor and I can actually see him doing things to self-soothe and try to get himself back to sleep so that makes me feel like he really has learned from this.

    Sorry this is so long, I just know that when I was struggling with this, I really just wanted something brief to read that gave me a place to start until I had time to really sit down and read a sleep training book.  I hope this helps some!

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