and it's making me really sad. I know it's normal, but it still sucks.
He's been in a bad mood since Sunday afternoon. We had our first public tantrum (that was awesome) and just one screaming, kicking fit after another. Most of it is over him not getting his way.
I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Sigh.
Re: My child is becoming a tantrum throwing terror
We've totally been there and it stinks.
Is he teething too maybe? That always seems to complicate things for us.
Ugh, I'm really sorry. I have mixed emotions when Ella has a big tantrum like that. Horrible as this sounds, part of me thinks it's funny, but the rest of me is sad, heartbroken, and depending on the day, frustrated.
I was reading Touchpoints the other day and it was a good reminder that toddlers really struggle with needs and wants, and the time it takes to get them. They simply don't understand the concept of waiting, and then get super frustrated when they can't effectively communicate.
Poor T. I hope for both of your sakes that it's a short-lived phase!
It'll get better, then it gets worse again. I will say though that consistency is key!!! Also - make sure you stand your ground and follow through. Those are sometimes hard when you're completely worn out from the tantrums and it's only lunch time. He will realize that you're mommy and you make the rules and there are consequences when he doesn't behave. I think this is really when we started using time-outs. Only a minute or so. Long enough to give Haley a chance to calm herself, but not too long that she forgot why she was sitting there.
(((HUGS))) It will get better.
ETA - I just re-read my post and I made it sound like I'm a tyrant. Not that way at all. I think I was just trying to say that this is when we started being more firm with Haley. I agree with some of the other posters that her not being able to communicate made things worse. She could understand most of what we were saying though. And she knew 'No'. Anyway - just wanted to clarify. Sorry you're having a rough time.
He has all of his teeth except the 2 year molars but he's never been a bad teether. He has his 20m well baby visit today, so we're going to have the pedi check his ears. Besides a general growth spurt, that's the only other thing I can think of.
So sorry that T is being a pain. We're there, at times, too. Paige seems to have perfected a "death glare" over the past 2-3 weeks. We've only had a few major meltdown tantrums, we usually just get the glare and a few screams.
We've definitely started implementing 1-minute time-outs, and we're following what we saw once on Supernanny: getting one warning (if you don't stop XYZ, you will be put in time-out), putting them in their time-out area, maintaining eye contact, telling them what they did wrong, being firm on them being there for the full minute (and putting them back, starting the clock over if they get down), and then when the minute is over, reminding them why they were in time-out, giving them hugs and kisses and telling them that you love them. Paige seems to "get it" and usually changes her behavior.
In once sense, I feel like Paige is so young and just frustrated, but in another sense, I feel like she knows what "no" means, and knows the difference between right and wrong (after being told something is wrong). I feel like she's really in the "testing us" phase, and I'm nervous that if we don't implement time-out now, she'll think it's ok to misbehave.
Evie is the same way. Her's is just screaming at the top of her lungs and she tends to do it when I am trying to multitask between both kids.
I'm sorry and I feel your pain.
Happiest Toddler hasn't really worked yet, but I think it's because Jake's communication level isn't there yet. I keep trying though, I feel like it is going to be there soon. In the meantime, I wish there was a book for kids from 1-2 years old.
Laura, I'm with you. Jake cries more than Lauren some days! I hate it.