I have a FB friend who's about 30 weeks pg. She posts constantly about peeing on herself. All.the.time. She wears a diaper to bed. She's pissed on herself five times since yesterday. WTF would you share that info?
I actually peed on myself more after they were born than while I was PG, but I'm a SS because I ended up needing bladder surgery. Now would I ever post that on FB? H-F'ing-NO
Never once have I peed myself...pregnant or not. She needs to get a bladder suspension STAT after she delivers! I've known someone that had to have it done after her third child was born.
I voted- No, nasty... I dont think it is nasty if you cant help it. Thankfuly I NEVER had that issue. My SIL told me I would at the end of my preg., I take it she did? I just dont see or understand why your friend would post that!?!?!! That would be something I kept to myself and DH.
Re: Poll: Did you pee on yourself constantly while pg?
I had two monster babies that smashed my bladder flat. I had some leaks (pantiliner-worthy), but hell no did I let anyone know about it. Not even DH.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
This. Why the hell do people put so much personal info on FB? eww Perhaps instead of FB, she should tell her Dr.