Hi Ladies -
We're trying to settle on a middle name for Olivia, and given that it's the first grandchild and great-grandchild on either side, I'd like her mn to be somewhat family-related or at least have some meaning vs. picking out of a book.
Our last name begins with T, has four syllables, and is very italian (think "Tortellini")
Do any of these options strike you?
Olivia Cate (first two letters of my MIL's middle name Catherine + Last two of my mom's mn Annette...yes I know it's a nickname for Catherine but I need to justify it to my mom this way)
Olivia Margaret Emma or
Olivia Emma Margaret (DH's great grandmother and my great grandmother)
Olivia Dawn (my mn...if all else fails)
Re: Family mn help
olivia cate!!!
dawn would be my 2nd choice.
None. I'm not a fan of naming kids after other people. For Olivia Cate, why would you need to "justify it" to your mom? It's YOUR child.
I really like all of those, but given the fact that your LN is so long, I'd go short and sweet for the first and middle names.
Olivia Cate gets my vote, with Olivia Dawn coming in 2nd.