I'm 29 + weeks and things are going and growing well, thank god. I do think I'm hitting that wall a lot of you talk about -- very uncomfortable eating, sleeping, walking -- and the big one -- breathing. Started working from home today. I swear I never felt this "pregnant" one day when I carried DD. Already measuring 38 weeks last week. Any tips and strategies for the next several weeks?
Last night I just felt so discouraged about getting it all done with work/house/caring for my two year old. Need a boost!
Re: Tips on surviving last weeks for MoMs to be?
I have no tips on how to care for a toddler while 29 weeks pregnant with twins, but my only advice is to just rest as much as possible. I was on strict bed rest the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy, and it was still exhausting getting up to go to the doctor - I couldn't imagine worrying about a toddler!
I'd also get as much help as you can - when your H is home, ask him to help out as much as possible so you can take a break. Or, if you have family/friends around that can help with your DD, ask them for some assistance.
Whenever you need to rest or sit down, do it.
Good luck!
In my experience I had a harder time at 28 weeks than I am now. I think I was still trying to do too much, get too much done. My body wasn't keeping up with my mind, but I tried to force it.
The last trimester is longer than the first two put together. Focus on getting rest, staying hydrated, staying off your feet as much as possible. If you used to do 6 things in a day, plan on only doing three things now.
Around 28 weeks I had my husband take over meal preparation. I just couldn't stand in the kitchen to cook anymore. We ate a lot of take out for a while, but I didn't care.
My routine since week 34 has been to shower and get dressed and run one errand. That is literally all I can manage (and today I decided it's too cold to be bothered with leaving the house).
GL, the last ten weeks have kicked my ass and I still have another almost two to go!
It feels better just hearing frome you ladies! Thanks! My little one will be with nanny or my mom 3 days at least for the time being so I can work as much as I can. That will help. Also haven't started nursery and am remodeling in my house (not literally, of course). We had a 2 bedroom, so trying to make room. I'm basically a crazy person.
Just agreed to attend a meeting an hour drive away but I'm rethinking it....