
if you swaddle

what do you use to swaddle? Miracle Blankets, Swaddle Me's, just big baby blankets, receiving blankets? 

And about how many of each do you have?


Re: if you swaddle

  • Hospital & receiving blankets at first.  Then it became apparent Harrison had no patience for the swaddle.

    Alex stayed swaddled a little bit longer, so when he outgrew the blankets, we got some swaddle-me's (we also had one Halo swaddle, but it was fleece and Aug).  It was fine until he started breaking out of them (before 3 months, I think).

    Now they are both in sleep sacks.


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  • We just used the big receiving blankets for the first few weeks.  When they started to break those at 3 weeks old we tried several kinds of swaddling blankets, until I finally caved and got 2 Miracle Blankets.  I should have just gotten those to begin with and saved us the money and frustration of having to re-swaddle several times a night.  They were the only ones they couldn't break out of, and we were able to swaddle them happily until 4 months when they started rolling back to belly and we had to stop. 
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  • receiving blankets and we just bought two miracle blankets but its annoying to put them in the miracle blankets at night cause of all the diaper changes. For some strange reason i feel bad swaddling them in the miracle blankets cause the way the blanket works.

    and the receiving blankets are a pain cause yes they break out of them.  My boys really like their hands ON their faces... so they work for 10-15 minutes to get out of them...sometimes ill just swaddle with their arms out. sometimes they nap better cause of it sometimes they nap worse.  Sorry i just talked about something you didnt even ask about...

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  • We used receiving blankets from the hospital/Target in the beginning since they were pretty small.  Once they started breaking out of those, we used Swaddle Me's.  They were fantastic.  We swaddled until they started rolling, and we still use them up to their waist.  I doubt they need them, but I like having it as another sign of bedtime.  I'll probably stop once they start crawling.
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  • They LIVED in the Aden & Anais blankets for the first few weeks because they were too little for the Swaddle Me.  I had 4 Aden & Anais blankets but could have used 8.  Now that they are big enough we use the Swaddle Mes.  They're just easier to use and harder for them to break out of.
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  • Loved SwaddleMe's the first couple months.  Then we moved to Miracle Blankets.  We had 4 of each kind.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • We use the Swaddle Mes. Our girls are both spitters, so we have seven or eight of them, because they're always in the wash. They're in between sizes right now which sucks because they can get out of both of them. We're trying to transition to the sleep sacks now.
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  • We started with Carter's receiving blankets which were great until they shrunk to nothing, which happened concurrently with the babies getting bigger.  We were fixing busted swaddles several times a night. 

    We had a few SwaddleMes but even my tiny DD could bust out of them and didn't seem to like them much.

    I just couldn't stomach $30 for one Miracle Blanket, much less two.  I got a set of Aden + Anais swadle blankets and we LOVE them.  We sometimes do a double swaddle on DS (basically a homemade miracle blanket) because he's strong.   I also feel better about the A + A blankets because they are a cotton muslin, rather than fleece because DS is a sweaty baby and I don't want him overheating. 

  • We started with the hospital blankets and then moved to swaddle me's.  They worked alright but then I found the Woombie.  They are amazing...they zip up and are SO easy to put them on and they don't usually get out of them.  They are stretchy so they can still move their arms.  We just started weaning them over Christmas break and started with one arm out for naps for three days then went overnight for three days, then we did two arms out for three days just for naps and now are fully doing two arms out for naps and nighttime.  We'll probably use them for a little longer since its a nice blanket with out putting an actual blanket in their cribs.  I will def use the Woombie with any future children (if we are blessed with any).
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  • We had it all- the carters receiving blankets, swaddle me, A&A blankets, and Miracle Blankets. 

    I only liked the Swaddle Me for when we were in the car (since you can have them ride in the car seat while swaddled).  Otherwise, it doesn't pull tight enough and my girls liked to be squeezed tight!

    Carters receiving blankets were fine for swaddling for the first 4 weeks.

    The Miracle Blankets were used for bed time and they were THE BEST.  Love them.  Had 4 total (2 for each baby).

    A&A blankets I used during the day and they were THE BEST.  Large enough to swaddle even a big baby (my girls weren't big, but my friend had a 5 month old who still liked to be swaddled and she was a large baby). 

    If I could do it all over again, I would have gotten more A&A blankets and only kept a couple of the Carter blankets.  MB was perfect for night, and I liked the swaddle me for car rides, but that's about it.

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  • I Love the Aden & Anais blankets, esp since I had summer babies.  Keira loved being swaddled, but Mia would only tolerate it with the Aden & Anais blankets and slept so much better when she was swaddled.  Target has them and they are a little bit smaller, but less expensive and they worked great...we only needed one pack and we swaddled for naps too when I was getting the girls to get used to napping in their cribs.
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  • We started with the halo sleep sacs and then moved to the miracle bankets.  We only have 3 miracle blankets.  We really should have 4 for the occasional middle of the night blowout/spitup.
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  • SwaddleMe's all the way!  We started with 2, and after the first week, I bought 6 more.  You can swaddle them nice and tight, and they love it!  I'm not getting ready to buy the next size.
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