I know most of us arent to that point yet as our kids are still rather young.
But for sleepovers do you plan on having a bed for your childs guest to sleep on? If you dont have bunk beds, a trundle, blow up bed, etc do you just have the kid/s sleep on the floor with sleeping bags/blankets?
Im looking for a new big boy bed for Ls room. I have found several loft beds that I like but they dont have a second bed. The bunk beds I have found that I like dont come with any storage/desk/drawers. Im starting to think maybe I should just look for a bed that would work for his small room and forgo the 2nd bed. Then if he has a sleepover they can just sleep in the floor.
I have looked online until my eyes are ready to bleed. Im very indecisive and dont really know what I want other than a bed that saves space. Ls room is small so it would be nice to have the bed have a desk, drawers and maybe shelves. I think its hopeless to find a bunk bed that offers all of these things except for the ugly thing I posted yesterday and the awesome beds that you cant get in the US (also posted yesterday)
The boy needs a bed but Im sooooo tired of looking.
Re: Honest question about sleepovers.
Ds has a full-sized bed now and so do both of his friends with whom he regularly has sleepovers. At this age the kids sleep together in the full beds both here and at the friends' houses when they spend the night.
Before ds got a full bed we had a youth sized Aerobed that we pulled out for sleepovers.
Thanks ladies. I know Im over thinking this but whatever we buy will need to last for several years. I dont want to buy something on a whim and end up not happy with it/it not be what we needed.
This is just tough because his room is small, we rent so we can not paint, hang heavy items (like shelving) or new lighting. So basically his room is stark white (yuck) with furniture in it.
Im trying to find a bed that will also serve as storage.
Instead of a big bunkbed (which I honestly think would overwhelm a small room) have you considered something like this?
I was surprised, but DS already had a sleepover! It's our neighbor and their little boy slept over first and did great -- this gave me DS a lot of confidence.
They slept in our guest bedroom which is a full. I now realize DS's twin is not going to last too long which sucks bc his room is pretty small, too.
Or these?
Also, here's one that is a full-sized instead of twin that could work for sleepovers with younger kids:
(The low lofts just seems more age-appropriate, IMO. Also trying to find things in the $1000ish or less price range.)
Thanks Cleo. Ive seen the last one and really do like it.
Im not worried about the height of the tall bunks. My 4.5yr olds have had one for the last year and have done great with them. I was very stern and clean when I told them NO standing or playing on the top bed.
If the bed has a desk/drawers with it I expect it to be more and talked to dh. We are willing to pay $1500 for a bed with those options. Just not $1500 for a regular bunk bed. (if that makes sense)
My nephew has had this bed since he outgrew his crib. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/30080316
There is an extra mattress stored underneath that when pulled out makes the bed big enough for two-my SIL and BIL slept on it at Thanksgiving, so two kids would be fine.
I'm thinking it will be what I buy Sam in a year or so, or something like it. I love that it has storage and an extra bed.
My DD has an air mattress that she uses for sleepovers (or if we have a guest that needs to sleep in her bed).
We also have a bed with a trundle in DS room (along with his crib).
When I was growing up, we always used sleeping bags for sleepovers.