Missouri Babies

VBAC friendly Hospital and doctor/midwife

Hello, I just signed up to ask this questions, though I am hoping to stick around and maybe help someone in return.

I live in south kc and and 11wks pg with #2. I had a c-section with #1 and would like a natural vbac with #2. I am looking for a hospital with in about 45 minutes from me to give birth. I would be interested in birth centers as long as they are in or right next to a hospital. Please share any experience with vbac and what hospital, even ones to avoid.

Also, my current midwife does not allow vbac patients to go past 41wks. So I would have to have a c-section scheduled with her back-up OB for like the day I turn 41wks. This is not acceptable to me. I would like a doc/mw that will let me go a little longer.

Thanks for reading/responding!

Re: VBAC friendly Hospital and doctor/midwife

  • When I had DD by c-section in 2009 I asked about doing a VBAC for my next baby and was told that Shawnee Mission Med allows them. You might check to see if they still do. Good luck.
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  • Hi there!  I was in your shoes about a year ago so am very familiar with it!  I would definitely check out the ICAN website and get on the KC forum.  They are very up to date.  I know when I was looking last year, Jeanne Ward is a CNM and did VBAC's at Shawnee Mission with the assistance of laborists.  I heard that she was having more restrictions put on her though.  THere is a doctors group who delivers at St Lukes on the Plaza who are extremely VBAC friendly.  I can't remember that group's name at the moment.  HOwever, when we visited the hospital, I didn't like it much.  AFter much research, we did something I never thought we'd do, but I ended up having a homebirth and it was AMAZING.  

    Good luck!  THe ICAN group is wonderful, so definitely check that out.  :) 

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  • Thanks for the replies! Jasonsgirly...I am actually with Jeanie Ward right now and that is who gave me these restrictions! I look around for the other doc you mentioned, though. If you think of who it was please let me know! Also, why did you not like St. Lukes?

    Thanks again for any response, I am sooo lost!

  • Definitely check out the KC ICAN boards...they can give you the name of that group.  I probably could find it with some research, but we just moved and are trying to unpack!  

     As far as St. Luke's...it just didn't seem very naturally friendly...I delivered at Olathe the first time and they had large rooms, good walking halls, and a jacuzzi in every room.  At St. Luke's, they only had 1 jacuzzi and it wasn't in a delivery room, it was separate.  So you're not guaranteed to have access to it.  The rooms were old and I didn't get excited to walk the halls.  I have heard, however, that the nurses are great there!   And it looked like they were in the process of renovating so maybe they have a new maternity ward (worth checking out!)  Also, a turnoff was the parking garage...we seriously waited 10 minutes to get in the elevator from the garage.  That's fine when you're not in labor.  ha!

     CHeck out Mercy and Truth Birth Center...they take VBAC's on a case by case basis.  I've heard it's not in the best neighborhood, but I've never actually seen it.  A good option, though to consider.  

     The ICAN board could tell you about Dr. Schwarz too...who is very VBAC friendly.  He delivers at Research Hospital.  I've heard he is out of town a lot though and other docs in his practice are not necessarily VBAC friendly.  

    Did you have a doula with your first birth?  THey're good resources too for who's out there.  I chatted with a doula/birth instructor who gave me all the info I have.  I guess I took the easy way out and had a homebirth.  :)  Would you ever consider one?  If you were like me, I NEVER would have.  But honestly, I will never go back to delivering in a hospital again...unless I needed to.  I had an amazing experience.  

    Good luck!  I know it seems so overwhelming! 

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