im sorry, im too lazy to go back to old pages.
pumping every three hours, the most i produce at once is just under 6 oz and thats usually once maybe twice a day. After that its 4 oz sometimes even just over 3.
The boys eat 4 1/2 every feeding (between the two) right now with formula supp. for one boy twice a day and the other once a day (pedi req). I still pump after every feeding though.
Will my supply increase? Anything i can do to help it?
Also, my left boob will sometimes produce less than half of what my right one does, is that big of a difference normal? (example, right now my right just produced 2.5 and my left only 40 mls) Im not in any pain but i will get random pains every once in a while when my boobs are full, but i take that as...its time to empty.
Re: Pumpers- Production Qs
So it's totally normal to have one side that produces more than the other. And you may notice that they can change back and forth or you may have one that's consistently draggy.
I wrote a blog post that summed up all my breastfeeding/pumping advice from my experience. Hope it helps:
The best advice I have is to drink tons of water, get as much rest as possible (yes, this made me laugh as well), and pump for longer. I struggled for so long with this and once I gave up and started pumping for an hour (I had been stopping at 30 min) my supply increased. I am now getting 13 ozs total every pumping and was able to get it down to 20 minutes. Good Luck and feel free to email me if you have any further questions.
i'm not sure how i did it, but i have a great supply. i nurse all day, pumping only after the last feeding of the day. i also pump once at night and get about 13 ounces.
try the power hour technique. 10 minutes pumping, 10 off for an hour. also, if you want to, try fenugreek. i am currently taking the more milk plus tablets from motherlove (i think).
there is also a good supply and demand tea from Healing Pixie that is good. you'll smell like maple syrup, but it doesn't bother me too much.