Alabama Babies

Which doctor to call?

This is probably a stupid question, but I'm blaming it on my fever induced haze.  I have a terrible cold/sinus infection.  Normally, I would take Nyquil for a few days and be good, but I know I can't do that now.  I'm trying to figure out what I can take that is safe while breastfeeding.  Do I call my OB or LOs pediatrician?
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m/c 05/2009
DD born 8/9/10
TTC #2 since 8/2012
CP 12/2012
dx MFI 10/2013
Surprise BFP 11/6/2013  EDD 7/19/2014
Beta #1 15 dpo HCG 355 Prog 30.9
Beta #2 22 dpo HCG 8147 Prog 18.8
Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

Re: Which doctor to call?

  • Call your OB. When I was in the hospital, they said that if I had questions about Alex to call the Pedi, if it was questions about me to call my OB. Of course your Pedi could probably also answer the question.
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