I am terribly missing my belly right now. I loved how big it was...all the little hopes and dreams it held. Feeling kicks and punches, hearing heartbeats, shopping for two little boys I had yet to meet.
I loved how DH would make or get me any food I wanted anytime! I miss living in my bathrobe on the couch... I could go on and on.
Don't get me wrong- I love playing on the floor with my boys, their infectious laughter, their love of being naked, seeing my DH light up with them, it's all awesome, I'm just feeling a little empty right now- probably PMS.
It's also been on my mind a lot lately- as we're pretty sure these are our last and I know that's a good decision for us but I also can't imagine not being pregnant again...
Re: Missing my belly
I feel the same. It is such an odd thing to admit for me. Of course I am so happy that they are here and I am enjoying every moment. But I miss my big belly and the kicks and being catered to and feeling important all the time!
You never know what will happen in the future...
i loved being pg - even with the bad parts- i LOVED having a huge belly - loved not worrying if my belly looked fat , lol. loved eating everything i wanted and feeling good about it- knowing i was helping my boys grow big.
while i don't want to be pg again anymore... i know after my first how badly i could not wait to be pg again- so it's normal to miss it.
I loved the anticipation of being pregnant and I loved feeling them kick. I can't really say that I loved the fact that I could eat all the time, because, actually, I had a rough time with eating--hyperemesis until week 17 or so, and then reflux started in third tri. It was not pleasant. And also, I was constantly worried--I had an irritable uterus, and I was terrified for weeks that I was about to go into labor.
But still, I am hoping for the chance to be pregnant again.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I miss being pregnant, too. I do miss the peace and quiet, the free time, and the private time my husband and I had.
I really want another baby, not just to be pregnant again, but also because these boys are so wonderful and I want another great baby! My husband isn't 100% behind this... so I'm working on him!
But overall, I have zero desire to be pregnant again. I never quite got to the "I'm pregnant- not fat" stage. I loved feeling them move around, but I always looked forward to the day I'd be normal-sized again.
I LOVED my singleton pg. My twin pg was rough and at the time I hated it, now that all of the suffering is gone, I miss it dearly.
Not that this is why, but I'm actually researching becoming a Gestational Surrogate (GS), and the whole being pg aspect is a big plus (good thing since everything about being a GS is getting pg or being pg).
I miss mine as well.
I'm looking forward to getting pregnant again in a year or so, although I'm sure it will be different than carrying a set of twins.