Cloth Diapering

Anyone CD 2U2?

I just found out we are expecting again and simply could NOT be more shocked.  We had no intention of having a second - it took 5 IVFs and finally donor eggs to conceive the first time around. That said, we're getting excited and I realized - hey, I have a huge stash of great CDs! 

If you've CDd with two, how much more work was it laundry wise?  We are on a 3 wash per week schedule and use primarily OS during the week at day care and PFs the rest of the time.

Any special tips? Thanks!

Re: Anyone CD 2U2?

  • I don't have any advice, but congrats! I hope / expect to be cloth diapering 2 under 2 one day. & I'm looking forward to matching diapers Embarrassed

    I can say that you will probably want to invest in a good sized diaper bag.

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  • I will have 2 in cds soon. We do laundry every other day and I hope to keep it that way! We have enough newborn diapers to make it 2 days. We have a front loader machine, so I'm hoping it will be big enough. If not, I'll probably just do 2 loads on laundry day.
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  • congratulations mama!!!  wow, how exciting :)  wait... you aren't posting under an AE are you?  i know another mama in a very similar situation :D

    either way, a huge yay - such a miracle :)  

    and as for CDs, i (obviously) have 2u2 and wash every day.  i can go a day and a half basically but after that it gets hard to get them really clean with so many dipes in the wash.  however if you have a lot of PFs you might be ok with every 2 days.  i would just keep an eye out (or a nose out) for any issues and if you aren't able to get them as clean as necessary with too many days in between, go to every 1-2 days. 

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  • Thanks G :)  Yes, an AE until I feel comfy posting all over the boards!  It occurred to me today that a major hurdle will be whether day care will continue to allow me to CD.  They made an exception of sorts with DS#1.  We'll see!  Even if no, I will still CD at home.
  • Congratulations!!!

    I am pregnant with twins and will soon be using cloth diapers on 3u2! As much as I would love to do laundry every other day I think I will likely throw in a load everyday. I would hate being so backed up on laundry, even if I have enough diapers.

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