Orange County Babies

Getting well tips

Hi all!  I'm super sick right now just came on on Sunday, cold/flu.  My throat is burning and my ears are on fire going down to my throat.  I also have the chills and felt pukey yesterday.  Any tips on getting better?  My shower is this Saturday and I really don't want to be sick for it!  Can I take anything?  I'm going to the Dr this morning so I will ask him but just wondering if you ladies have any secret remedies?


Re: Getting well tips

  • zicam spray! Works wonders. you can take it while you are pregnant, it is simply zinc. Oh, and it is OTC. I hope you feel better! Being sick is aweful.

  • oh no.  SLEEP and tons of water - flush your system.
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  • Good old chicken soup!  It can help reduce inflammation caused by cold symptoms.  There's literally research that supports this:) 
  • 1) It's not the flu. True influenza is a respiratory infection. 2) You can ask your pharmacist. They have the best working knowledge of medications for treating symptoms and are most up to date on any changes in the safety of meds for pg women. Some meds on doctors' "safe" lists have changed formulations and are no longer safe. 3 ) Drink honey tea (hot water with honey; add lemon if you'd like). Honey is a natural antibiotic. You could also have honey on toast or straight honey, but the warm water is also soothing. 4) Feel better!!
  • piggy backing off of brenrob's post, i always boil a lemon and ginger root then add tons of honey and drink it. it helps soothe the throat. also, i took cepocal drops as that's safe and that helps...even though it tastes REALLY bad!
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