Florida Babies

What kind of luck have you had finding infant care?

I have made several calls. Most people tell you to start early and get on waiting lists. I am getting on one list at my church. However, most family day cares won't talk to me this early.  They don't take waiting lists and have no idea what availability they will have when I need it.  From the providers I've spoken to, they suggested I start looking once the baby is born in Dec. Since providers can only care for a small numer of children, they are not very willing to hold spots open since 1 opening is 20% of their pay.

What have you found?

Re: What kind of luck have you had finding infant care?

  • We haven't really been looking (planning on being a SAHM), but talking to friends who recently had babies, they've had the same/similar experiences.  In fact, my boss ended up bringing her baby into work for a few weeks due to childcare issues.  I think she took 6 weeks maternity and then brought the baby in for a month. . .I don't think any of that helped. . .sorry. . .
  • Hi there ladies.  I am kinda new to this so let me tell ya about my situation.  I was in the working force at one time too but after I had my daughter I opened an in home daycare.  I can understand where you are coming from you want all your ducks in a row before the little one arives.  What I would do is when your little one is about 4 weeks from going to daycare just start calling and doing drop in visits do places.  you can also go under this web site which lets you view the inspection reports of the homes and centers.  Good luck and here is the web site http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/childcare/
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