Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Anyone use a birth Photographer?

If so, what did you think?  Is there anyone that you would recommend?
We will be delivering in March at Baylor Grapevine.


Re: Anyone use a birth Photographer?

  • Alyssa Maisano does birth photography... you can google her.  Its really beautiful.  

    I will say that not all OBs allow photography during the birth.  My OB (Flowers) asked DH to not photograph the actual birth - just me and the baby once she was out.  It was interesting because when DS was born, she didn't say anything... but with DD2, she did.   He wasn't planning to photograph the actual birth anyway, but he did have the camera out.

  • ReJana with BluDoor Studios - she captured both of my births - Sydney was born at Baylor Grapevine and Myles would have been if we'd made it to the hospital- lol!

    my daughter 

    https://images.krausestudios.com/sydneyjane/  (they were Krause Studios before they were BluDoor)

    and my son


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  • I think that is fantastic that she captured the entire birth of both of your kids... including the car birth.  :) 
  • CnC Moments Photography at www.cncmoments.com captured the entire birth of my daughter when she was born and her newborn pictures, too. But, make sure you check with your Ob/Gyn first for his/her rules.

  • Jackie Willome Photography-

    Birth Photography

    I do births in San Antonio- DFW and inbetween.


  • imageWinter*Mommy:

    Alyssa Maisano does birth photography... you can google her.  Its really beautiful.  

    I will say that not all OBs allow photography during the birth.  My OB (Flowers) asked DH to not photograph the actual birth - just me and the baby once she was out.  It was interesting because when DS was born, she didn't say anything... but with DD2, she did.   He wasn't planning to photograph the actual birth anyway, but he did have the camera out.

    this always surprises me! my dr couldnt care less LOL if i ever switched, id have to remember to ask that lol

    aidan kincaid (12.19.06) sawyer grace (7.30.08) 
    reese madeline (5.11.10) miller paige (2.6.12)
    girl #5 due december 2013.

    13 galveston1

    IG: punkfictionv4

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