Cloth Diapering

Best Bottoms?

Does anyone have any experience with Best Bottoms? Good or bad?  It looks a lot like the grovia system (hated on DS2).  Does that seem correct?  It seems like it could be really messy with only the insert to catch the mess. 

I am a die hard to Kawaii, but like other cding moms, always searching for a better diaper.  Could this be a better diaper? TIA.

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Re: Best Bottoms?

  • Someone just asked this. Look back a few posts.

    Softbums are my favorite AI2.

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  • they are awesome. see my fluffy blog for my review
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  • love them!

    detailed review in my blog on the Adventures in CD page

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  • If the reason you didn't like grovia was because poop always got on the cover....than Best Bottoms or anyother hybrid type diaper will probably not be any better.
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  • We absolutely love them, but ditto PP about the poop getting on the cover.  If you didn't like that about others, you probably won't like these either.
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  • That is what I was thinking would happen too (about leaking poo on the cover). Thanks ladies for the imput.  I think I'll stick with my kawaiis.
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