Yes! Be sure to get the version that they sell behind the's what you can take when you're PG. I did. Good luck! Have you tried a neti pot? Total life saver.
When I was pg, I had a "stuffy" nose too, but my dr. said it wasn't because of mucus or congestion per se, but just because of the increased blood volume causing my nasal passages to swell.
I also bought this stuff called Ayr, it's like a nasal lubricant. Since it's winter and you're probably breathing in tons of forced heated air in your house, which is drying out your sinuses, it might help.
Oh, and I tried the netti pot too, but since my issue wasn't caused by congestion, it didn't work
Arrived 4.5 weeks early due to PROM
Cerclage placed @ 21w6d due to CI (IC)
When I was pg, I had a "stuffy" nose too, but my dr. said it wasn't because of mucus or congestion per se, but just because of the increased blood volume causing my nasal passages to swell.
I also bought this stuff called Ayr, it's like a nasal lubricant. Since it's winter and you're probably breathing in tons of forced heated air in your house, which is drying out your sinuses, it might help.
I had the same exact problem, and Ayr also helped me.
Re: Can I take sudafed?
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
Cerclage placed @ 21w6d due to CI (IC)
When I was pg, I had a "stuffy" nose too, but my dr. said it wasn't because of mucus or congestion per se, but just because of the increased blood volume causing my nasal passages to swell.
I also bought this stuff called Ayr, it's like a nasal lubricant. Since it's winter and you're probably breathing in tons of forced heated air in your house, which is drying out your sinuses, it might help.
Oh, and I tried the netti pot too, but since my issue wasn't caused by congestion, it didn't work
Cerclage placed @ 21w6d due to CI (IC)
The netti pot won't work because I'm THAT congested!
I had the same exact problem, and Ayr also helped me.