When I had DD my DH made me a phone app to keep track of feeding and diapers (especially to help me keep track of what side I nursed on). He put so much work into it, I kept telling him he should make it so that other moms could use it too, and he finally did! It was really helpful, so I thought I'd share the info- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/baby-feeding-log/id412360317?mt=8
I hope this isn't against the bump's TOS- it's free, so it's not promoting a business or anything, I just thought it would be useful to other bumpies! There's plenty of other apps out there, some may be better but I'm cheap and didn't want to pay the .99 or whatever, haha... the free ones I downloaded were to complicated to figure out in the middle of the night
Good luck with your exciting days to come...can't believe I'm already getting baby fever again, but AF isn't back yet and DD still isn't STTN, so hopefully I won't be back for a year or so
Re: iphone users- app for diapers/feeding