3rd Trimester

Post delivery questions - what's realistic?

I'm 38 weeks with my first and going through lists of what to bring to the hospital.  Do I really need nursing bars?  I bought one 2 months ago but I'm not even sure it will fit after my milk comes in! 

Can I wear some comfortable cotton camis I have - even from pre-pregnancy? Again, because I have no idea how my breasts will change after my milk comes it seems impossible to buy nursing bras.  Plus the thought of wearing a bra after giving birth just sounds awful.

Any other 'must haves' for the hospital bag - for me, DH or baby? For the baby, I've packed outfits in three different sizes, socks, hats, and blankets.  Thanks!

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Re: Post delivery questions - what's realistic?

  • At the hospital, I used the gowns they provided. I had no desire for a nursing bra, and brought a warm fuzzy robe for when we had visitors.

    You don't need blankets/socks from home-the hospital will provide them.

    I ended up bringing DS a ton of clothes and we only wore a nice outfit on the day we left to bring him home.

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  • I had a couple of nursing bras that were more like sports bras. They were very comfy and I wore them in the hospital and when at home. I think they are called sleeping bras. They sell them at Motherhood and I think I bought one online at Kohls. I never did have a real nursing bra because I EPed. You could also just wear a regular sports bra at first if you already have some and then buy nursing bras after baby is here, your milk is in, and you know for sure that nursing is going to work for you.
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  • I liked having a nursing tank and worse a hoodie over it to keep warm.  I was glad to have some sort of nursing bra because I ended up being there for 6 days (DS was in the NICU) and needed it because I was leaking.  Nursing tanks are nice because they fit lots of sizes.

    My hospital didn't provide robes or socks.

  • Nursing tanks!!  Way more comfy than bras at first (your breasts may change quite a bit and tanks are more forgiving).  You can use a regular cami but as much as you nurse at first it's really nice to have the easy access of a nursing tank.  The Target tanks are great for just bumming around and have a more forgiving middle than some other brands I've tried (nice for postpartum).

    Really just a camera and your toiletries.  I'm a fan of packing light and didn't find I needed much.  I brought a couple of tanks, some of my own undies (hated the mesh things) and some sweats to wear home.  That's all I needed.

  • I would check with your hospital to see exactly what they provide since every hospital is different, then go from there with your list.The hospital that I delivered at did not have baby wipes, which I found completely strange.  I did not want to wipe my new baby's bum with a wet washcloth.

    I also agree with PP's nursing tanks and a hoodie are what I wore most days. 

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  • I am very large breasted, and I needed my nursing bras for comfort reasons. My milk was leaking everywhere if I didn't have them packed in with pads too. I had been fitted for one near the end of my pregnancy, and when the milk came in it was still too small although I got a larger cup size.

  • I just wore my cami tanks and pj pants with a robe over it for the few days were there. I wore one of the sleeping/nursing bras from motherhood that a PP mentioned while I was being induced (3 days) and the hospital gowns.

    I brought my own flipflops and undies I didn't mind getting gross for after delivery. I did not like the mesh undies and only wore those a short time.

    Your DH will need FOOD. They usually only provide food for the mom, so bring snacks and stuff for your DH.

    They should provide everything for the baby, so just bring an outfit for going home.  Don't forget camera and/or phone chargers.

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  • I bought a few night nursing bras from motherhood and they were great.  My sports bras hurt to much to wear but I needed something to put the nursing pads  in.  The night nursing bras worked out the best.  They were very comfortable and so easy to nurse and keep the nursing pads in.
  • I plan on using nursing tanks and a hoodie.  I don't have large breasts and I feel like I am going to need all the comfort I can get.  I am making a check list of things that friends and relatives say are relevant to the stay.  Camera, phone, music, my pillow, bathrobe, etc.  Things that make me feel at home.  Good luck. Smile
  • Thanks everyone!  Good luck to all of you and Happy New Year!  :)
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  • i was only in the birthing center 14 hrs pp and wore a nursing tank the whole time.

    i did have a nursing bra to wear home.  i got fitted for a nursing bra at 38 or 39 weeks.  my boobs actually never got super huge except when my milk very first came in.  once i nursed and pumped they weren't porn-star-ish anymore.

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  • Nursing bras are very comfy.  They don't have underwires or anything like that.  You don't want to wear underwires when you are breastfeeding, at least at first, because they can cause clogged ducts.  And while you and the baby are still learning to nurse, you will want easy access.  So unless you plan on never wearing a bra while you nurse, I would get a couple nursing bras.  You also want something to hold breast pads in place while you are leaking and slathered with lanolin the first few weeks.

     I would recommend that you get a few nursing tanks.  They are really comfy and make it easy to nurse discreetly.  You can wait until your milk comes in after birth to get any bras or tanks if you are worried about them not fitting, or get a few ahead of time and keep the receipts.  FWIW when my milk came in, I went up a cup size from the size I was at the end of pregnancy.

    You may not fit into pre-pregnancy camis right away, especially in the first few weeks.  It takes up to 6 weeks just for your uterus to go back to its normal size and then there is still the extra baby weight that will hang around for a bit too.  You will probably still need to wear maternity clothes when you leave the hospital.


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  • I wore the hospital gown, which had slits in it that made nursing easy.  I also brought a fuzzy robe that I wore when I left the room or had visitors.  I think I wore a nursing tank home.  I never really loved nursing bras and I usually wore nursing tanks.  These aren't very specific to cup size, and I found them to be really comfortable and convenient.  I really liked the nursing tanks I got at Target.  I think they were around $16.
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  • BFing was brutal for me at first and my nips were suffering. Having a soft nursing bra or tank that I could unsnap just one side was great. LO would kick and squirm and when she rubbed the other nipple it was AWFUL!!!! Also, trying to retie the hosp gown while exhausted was annoying. I LOVE this one and wear it almost every night. It's stretchy so sizing is easy:


  • I remember telling DH to get the nurse when I felt my milk was in. I wanted her to feel my boobs to make sure lol. She said to me "Honey, you need a bra!" I hadn't had one on until then and once I put it on.... ahhhhhh. I actually felt better with it. So, I'd say bring a nursing bra.

    Bring socks and pads that you like. My hospital had the long thick kind that felt all bulky, mushy, and did not move around well. I plan on bringing my own thin pads that hopefully will work better.


    We did not put our DD in real clothes until the day we brought her home. With this pregnancy, I think I'll bring one or two sleep sacks and matching hats. And, of course a coming home outfit.

    DH - food, man magazines, a comfty pillow, and patience : )

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  • Oh, and the baby's boppy! I brought mine to the hospital, use it, and still use it daily and DD is 15 months old lol.
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