I have a 2.5-month-old and a 15-month-old. I am CDing both. DD2 doesn't poop at night and only dreamfeeds, so I don't change her for about 10 hours. DD1 STTNs and is in her night diaper for about 12 hours. Every morning, DD2's diapers reek of ammonia. DD1's do not. I'm at a loss.
Both wear pockets. DD1 wears a BG 3.0 stuffed with a Super-Do and an AFFF insert. DD2 wears either a Rumparooz or a FB OS stuffed with a Loopy-Do and an AFFF insert. The diapers are all washed together, and I do laundry every.single.fracking.day because otherwise the loads get too big. I do a short wash on cold w/o detergent, then a full hot cycle with detergent (Arm and Hammer for Sensitive Skin, which is what I have always used), then an extra rinse (lately I've been doing a short hot wash - no detergent - in place of the extra rinse because we have uber-hard water). Both girls' diapers are soaked in the morning - DD2's area usually absolutely drenched, and sometimes she has wicked a bit onto her onesie. DD1's aren't quite as wet, but still very heavy.
Any ideas?
Re: Ammonia q with two in diapers