Cloth Diapering

Ammonia q with two in diapers

I have a 2.5-month-old and a 15-month-old.  I am CDing both.  DD2 doesn't poop at night and only dreamfeeds, so I don't change her for about 10 hours.  DD1 STTNs and is in her night diaper for about 12 hours.  Every morning, DD2's diapers reek of ammonia.  DD1's do not.  I'm at a loss.  

Both wear pockets.  DD1 wears a BG 3.0 stuffed with a Super-Do and an AFFF insert.  DD2 wears either a Rumparooz or a FB OS stuffed with a Loopy-Do and an AFFF insert.  The diapers are all washed together, and I do laundry because otherwise the loads get too big.  I do a short wash on cold w/o detergent, then a full hot cycle with detergent (Arm and Hammer for Sensitive Skin, which is what I have always used), then an extra rinse (lately I've been doing a short hot wash - no detergent - in place of the extra rinse because we have uber-hard water).  Both girls' diapers are soaked in the morning - DD2's area usually absolutely drenched, and sometimes she has wicked a bit onto her onesie.  DD1's aren't quite as wet, but still very heavy.

Any ideas?  

Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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Re: Ammonia q with two in diapers

  • I could be wrong but I think ammonia stink in the morning is normal. Maybe that DD just pees more. As long as it doesn't stink like ammonia right away, you're ok! Sorry you're doing laundry evvvvvvvveryday! That's like a full time job!
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