Cloth Diapering

cloth wipes

I'm trying to decide on cloth wipes vs.  disposable wipes.  What are the pros and cons?  My husband is ok with cding but not keen on the wipes.  Also how many is a good amount to have on hand? 


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Re: cloth wipes

  • I think if you're going to CD, you might as well throw in the CWs. More economical and much thicker than DW so more of a barrier between you and the poo. I don't know how many to start with though. I am a first time mom and LO isn't due until July. I'd love to know!

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  • I started out with disposable wipes and it was kind of a hassle. I had to put the diaper one place and the wipe another. I have now switched over and it's so much easier (and I only ever use one per time.) Not really sure on how many to start out with as I am using some cheapo washcloths we got (I am going to be making some wipes this weekend) and I only have a very few. I would say take the number of diapers you go through in a day then add a few more then times that by how many days you go in between washings (does that make sense?) I know I bought way more material than I will need but I figure I can use them for other things too!
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  • These are reasons why I like cloth wipes -  You're already doing CD laundry, so it's not extra work; 1 cloth wipe cleans better than 3-5 disposable wipes; saves money; environmentally friendly; & cloth wipes are super soft on baby. Also, when I started using cloth diapers I noticed that disposable wipes were leaving my LO's bum smelly. I also did not like seperating the wipe to throw in the trash and the diaper in the pail.

    I'd say 25-30 is a good number. More never hurts. Hope this helps. You can always use disposable wipes on the go and cloth wipes at home to ease into it.

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  • When i started I was still using sposie wipes.  It was definatley a hassle.  I bought circo baby washcloths from target and was using those up until recently.  I just started the mini wipes from bububebe and LOVE them.  They are the perfect size for just pee.  For poo not so much but I do have the larger size on the way.

    I fold up the wipe with the CD and they both go in the pail.  They are so much softere then sposie wipes too.  At first I thought DH wouldn't go for it but he likes the prints. haha.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Ditto the other ladies as far as reasons.

    We have about 3 dozen and I've never run out so 2 dozen would probably cut it if you're going to do laundry every 2-3 days.

    Here's how we store ours if you're looking for some ideas.  On my blog, there's also a video of how to fold them to pop up out of a wipes container if you're interested in that.

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  • It's way easier to use cloth wipes with cloth diapers......then, everything goes to the same place.

    You can just use the little baby washcloths or buy cloth wipes.    I use both.   The cloth wipes work better, but that's just because they are double layered.  I'm thinking of sewing my baby wash cloths together for the same effect.    How many?   I have no idea - I have tons of baby washcloths........a couple dozen?    In the newborn stage, you'll need a lot!

    I use disposable wipes when out and about, but that's only because I use disposables when out (except to friends/families homes - then it's cloth).

  • Way easier! I hated having to put them in two separate places and even more so when we go out. I normally change him in the car after I bf him and I wouldn't have a place to put the sposie wipes so I ended up throwing them in the wet bag and having to pick them out later and throw them away (eww)! DH wasn't on board at first with the wipes at all but I just told him how much easier it would be not having 2 thrashes and that we'd be saving more money, make sure you tell them how much (I seem to get through to him more when I talk numbers). We were using seventh generation wipes and they're $14 for 350 wipes and you use a lot for poop diapers (and my DH is wipes happy). I had stocked up on wipes and gotten a lot of the at my shower and when I saw how many we went through in the first 3 months and how much I was spending after our stash was out it was ridiculous especially when you aren't spending on diapers.  I bought from here and got a variety of them but really like the sherpa for poop!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I started out with sposie wipes and I am so glad I switched. They just get tossed in the pail with the diapers and its so much easier.  Plus they clean up so much better.  I have a variety of wipes but I love my GM wipes, but they are pretty pricey and I don't think I can swing some more of them :(
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  • I just ordered those:

    They are organic and I have read great things about them. As regular set is more girly, and I am having a boy, I contacted the seller and she made a custom order of 30 for me in more boyish styles. Can not wait to get them. Hopefully soon as baby is coming next week.  I think 30 should be ok. On the go/outings I will probably use disposable wipes.

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