Hopefully you'll see this! There's a new children's resale shop on Verdugo, just west of the Verdugo/Olive intersection. Across from the new CVS that they are building 7-11. I haven't been there yet but keep meaning too.
Also, there is a Once Upon a Child in La Crescent where I found a TON of clothes and books. It's a franchise www.UOAC.com
Re: resale shops
Hopefully you'll see this! There's a new children's resale shop on Verdugo, just west of the Verdugo/Olive intersection. Across from the new CVS that they are building 7-11. I haven't been there yet but keep meaning too.
Also, there is a Once Upon a Child in La Crescent where I found a TON of clothes and books. It's a franchise www.UOAC.com