Cloth Diapering

Does hard water make a difference?

Is that what the box of water softener is for?


Do I need to do something different to make my diapers clean in hard water?

Re: Does hard water make a difference?

  • I have super hard water and i've never put anything in my water to make them any cleaner and my diapers get super clean.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Hmm... Which detergent do you like? What's your wash routine?
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  • I was using planet powder at my moms house (DS and I lived with her while DH was in Afghan) and she has soft water.  When we moved back to base I switched to planet liquid (liquid is better for hard water) and I get the same results.

    I do a cold rinse no detergent.  Hot was with detergent with cold rinse.  Extra cold rinse.  I've had one stain and that was mainly DH's fault. :)

     They say to do a warm/hot rinse first but the one time I did that my pooped on diapers were stained so I stick to my original routine.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I also have very hard water and my diapers come out clean. I use Country Save and I first do a pre-wash (which soaks them and rinses all the yuckies off). I then do a wash cycle on hot (with a second rinse). And then an extra quick rinse. My diapers do get stains on them, but I just set them out in the sun and they are back to normal! :)
  • Ok, that's my same routine.  I'm going to look for new detergent.

    Thanks so much :)

  • I was using original powered tide but had to use so much to get them clean I got horrible buildup.  Switched to Rocking Green Hard Rock and it's been wonderful!
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  • imageDuckLover:

    I do a cold rinse no detergent.  Hot was with detergent with cold rinse.  Extra cold rinse.  I've had one stain and that was mainly DH's fault. :)

    This is my wash routine too. We have super hard water but so far I have had good luck with Tide powder. I will get Hard Rock if that ever stops working!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Photobucket
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