Hawaii Babies

what have you done while baby wearing?

I just folded and put away 2 loads of laundry.  it took 4 trips up and down the stairs.  (side note: i'm feeling better about my "nothing" answer to what I'm doing to get back in shape!)  ...and then I went to the bathroom, peed, and washed my hands.  somehow, that just seemed wrong.  but i really had to go!  (and E is still sleeping so I say it was a wise decision)

what have you done? Smile

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Re: what have you done while baby wearing?

  • imageSanHawaii08:

      ...and then I went to the bathroom, peed, and washed my hands.  somehow, that just seemed wrong.  but i really had to go! 

    Please!  I go all the time!  He doesn't care!  This may change as he gets older, but for now, no worries!

    Today I peeled, sliced, steamed and pureed apples for him to try this weekend for the first time while he was in the ergo and then he fell asleep and I didn't want to take him out, so I did the dishes, folded laundry (which I actually do find difficult to do with him on) and finally laid on the couch with him still napping (he'd wake if I took him out) on my chest while I read and had a snack.  :)

    I do just about anything except heavy-duty cooking.  I'm too scared of the heat somehow getting his little legs.  But I will chop and prep and even steam in the Beaba with him on. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We go for walks, play with the dogs, do a bit of gardening...plus, laundry and a bit of kitchen work (dishes, prepping some veggies/ fruits).  But like lelekay, no heavy-duty cooking. I'm also scared of the heat getting to him.  

    P.S.  lelekay - K has the same "cool like dad" outfit as H! :)  So cute! And wow, he's getting to be such a big boy! Gosh, they grow up fast, huh? 

    **a girl from Hawaii, living and driving in South India**

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  • Usually I Ergo him the most when I am walking out somewhere (get mail/take out dogs) and when I go shopping (groceries/mall)--although next time I get groceries, I'm going to be trying out my newly-acquired floppy seat (thanks to mrsnjswimmer!). But I've also gone to the bathroom (not often--and only #1 =P), ate meals, traveling, etc. Also, it's super useful when I have to carry a bunch of groceries from the car back home, to Ergo him and then carry the bags in my hands. I use it for that a lot.

    I've actually cooked with him in the Ergo too, but I would back-carry him instead. But if I'm just prepping (washing/cutting), then I carry him in the front. I don't carry him very often when I'm cooking though...I usually just leave him in his jumper--it's more difficult to put him in the back carry vs the front. I probably just need more practice?

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • imagelelekay:

      ...and then I went to the bathroom, peed, and washed my hands.  somehow, that just seemed wrong.  but i really had to go! 

    Please!  I go all the time!  He doesn't care!  This may change as he gets older, but for now, no worries!

    haha, glad i'm not the only one!

    ps.  love the cool like dad outfit!  where can I get one?  I was just lamenting how there are so many "i love mommy" outfits, but where's the love for daddies?!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageSanHawaii08:

      ...and then I went to the bathroom, peed, and washed my hands.  somehow, that just seemed wrong.  but i really had to go! 

    Please!  I go all the time!  He doesn't care!  This may change as he gets older, but for now, no worries!

    haha, glad i'm not the only one!

    ps.  love the cool like dad outfit!  where can I get one?  I was just lamenting how there are so many "i love mommy" outfits, but where's the love for daddies?!

    It's actually "pajamas" (but who cares, right?) from Old Navy.  They come in a  package together as a set.  They're so cute with daddy and kid penguins all over the pants!  We just got them as a gift for Christmas, so I would guess they're still available.  :) 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Done while babywearing:

    1. Bathroom (in public and at home too!)

    2. Laundry

    3. Dishes

    4. Breastfeed

    5. Airport check-in/security

    6. Eat

    7. Computer

    8. Walk in the park

    9. Shop

  • imageSanHawaii08:
    I was just lamenting how there are so many "i love mommy" outfits, but where's the love for daddies?!

    that's funny b/c i feel like everything out there is "daddy's girl" or "I love daddy" etc :P

    i mostly do my babywearing outside of the house now that she is so mobile and then just let her run around doing whatever she wants while i get what i need to do done.  when she was younger i'd get stuff done around the house, too, but i have read that they really don't recommend cooking (w/heat) while babywearing just b/c of the risk of burning or having something catch on fire!

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