no progress, next appointment is Wednesday for an NST and internal.
I also made an appointment for the Monday after that (38 weeks exactly) where they will do another NST and an internal again, at that appointment they will do a membrane sweep and if I don't go into labor on my own in my 38th week they will set an induction date for my 39th week if my cervix is favorable. looks like I'm going to be here for a while.
I'm so relieved to have full term babies and not have to even consider things like the NICU or consequences, etc. I'm actually getting more nervous about what happens after they come, two babies at once. OMG. Oh, and I'm trying not to think about what it would mean to be pregnant for another 3 weeks.
Re: back from OB...
After two losses, third time was a charm.
pm me for blog link
Did your babies not hear about the financial consequences?
I wouldn't put too much stock in the "progress." I was a fingertip dilated forEVER, including after 24 hours of cervadil and a failed induction, including at my last appt a few days before he was born and my water broke shortly thereafter.
TTC Since Dec 2006
*IVF #1 cancelled at ET*
*IVF #2 OHSS, transfer cancelled*
*FET #1 2 frosties, c/p*
*Lap April 2010, removed endometrioma/endo implants*
*Surprise BFP June 2010*
*Beautiful daughter born 2/14/11!!*
Thoughts from an Overwrought Mind
I'm so sorry your LOs aren't cooperating with your financial boost in 2010. They will be here before you know it though. I have a feeling the coming weeks will seem to fly by
Unexplained Infertility
After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!
TTC #2
After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!
Diagnosed PCOS & MFI-Success with IUI