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first appt with developmental pedi -- what to expect?

Quick backstory -- DS has always had some slight sensory issues but pedi was never concerned. He doesn't show typical signs of autism -- large vocab, puts 2-3 words together, no real social issues. A few weeks ago, we noticed he was doing some strange movements with his hands/fingers and his activity level was abnormal (DS is normally very active but this was verging on what I referred to as "frantic"). Pedi thought it might be a side effect of the augmentin he was taking for an ear infection so he switched DS to new meds and told us to come back if no improvement in behavior. His behavior and strange movements have gotten worse, so we brought him back to pedi and now we are being referred to a specialist. I'm very nervous and would like to know what to expect at this appointment. TIA.
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Re: first appt with developmental pedi -- what to expect?

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    The movements are stereotypic, as far as we can tell. It kind of looks like he's flicking his fingers and waving at the same time -- hard to explain, sorry. He's also running his fingers along his face very lightly, starting at his ears and then down to his chin. It gets worse when he's tired or stressed. I did leave out some info in an effort to keep the oringinal post short but, yes, he will go through the alphabet or the numbers or farm animals or jungle animals, etc, obsessively. He doesn't need to follow a routine but he does have to have some things a certain way. We originally thought that he was just opinionated but now I'm afraid it's more than that. He also has sensory issues -- very picky eater, won't touch play-doh/grass/dirt/snow. Thanks for responding, btw.
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