My boys are 4.5 and almost 2. I feel like I have to coax them into every freaking thing in order to leave the house. Every.exhausting.detail. From stopping playing with toys & getting dressed to brushing teeth, to putting on shoes, to putting on a coat to getting in the car seat. Everything. I know this is normal behavior for their ages, but for just once, if they wouldn't fight me on one little detail - JUST ONE - it would be refreshing. Then maybe I'd have the energy to deal with another protest later.
Vent over.
Re: So tired of having to coax my kids into every little thing...
This is why my kids are the ones missing coats or shoes when it is 20 degrees outside. I get tired of fighting the battle. I have gotten where I gather a bag of everything we need. I fill up the bag with shoes, socks, coats, hats, sometimes clothes if they are not dressed and take them both into the bathroom, where there is nothing else to do and get them both ready at once.
Otherwise, DD is going to find her shoes and comes back 20 minutes later having taped her brothers mouth shut or something while I look for the sock she lost along the way.
I hear ya. My not-yet 2 year old is pretty agreeable yet, but my 3.5 year old is beyond stubborn. We bookend fun activities (skiing) with battles over getting into the proper gear to go, and then again leaving when it is time to leave.
Makes me not want to do stuff, which is a sad state to be in.
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