Houston Babies

I suck at being pregnant (pity party)

all day nausia (on meds for that)


killer sinus infection, on day 3 of zpack and feeling worse than my worst day so far. today is the day my ears are clogged, my nose is clogged and my teeth and hair hurt.  sucks

greasy hair

horrible skin breakouts.

I am just sooo not the picture of happy pregnancy.  and the first one wasn't pretty either. 

I'm just bitter against you women who were healthy and felt great through your pregnancies.  my mother especialy.  if I hear "being pregnant was the happiest time of my life" from that woman again.....I'm gonna hang up on her. then go puke in the trashcan again.


(pity party and vent over) thank you for your time

big sister, little brother
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Re: I suck at being pregnant (pity party)

  • i "felt" your pain. i was high risk the first and third trimesters and had 2 sinus infections and bronchitis during the second. 

    i hope you feel better soon!

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  • One of my friends explained something to me that helped everytime my mom told me something that pissed me off - at this stage she has "revisionist history." She doesn't remember all of the crap - only the good things. I had to tell myself this everytime my mom told me how she was 15 lbs lighter than her pre-pregnancy weight after she had my brother and she wasn't overweight before.

    I quickly realized my friend was right when my mom's story kept changing every other week.

    I hope you feel better soon!

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