Our little boy is due in 3 weeks and we have a list that has yet to be narrowed down. My husband is set on waiting until he is born to pick one which is ok with me, I was just curious on what people think. We have kept all of our picks secrets throughout the whole pregnancy (we have a few nay-sayers in the family, plus we wanted it to be a surprise) so I haven't really gotten any opinions! Here they are: (middle name is definitely still up in the air).
Re: Boy name- which do you prefer?
Owen Anders: labor (natural onset), failed VBAC, emergency c/s.
I like all of them, but I don't think that helps. I can list them in order of how I would use them if I had to pick from those for a LO:
Milo still kind of reminds me of pet name, but I did have a student named Milo and it totally suited him.
Make a pregnancy ticker
I love Ezra! Milo and Quinn are nms.
Ezra reminds me of Edna, which is a girls name
Quinn really is a girls name
So MILO is the best to me!!
In this order:
{planning bio} {married bio} {baby blog}
Ezra?? I've never heard this name before, but it reminds me of like a Disney character-like a princess or a witch or something. I don't like it.
I've only heard of girls named Quinn
And Milo reminds me of a dog, but as I'm typing it's kind of growing on me. So if I had to choose I'd say Milo.
Milo is my favorite out of those... I know a little girl Quinn so that makes it girly in my head, and I know a little boy Ezra who is a cutie so that one is okay too but a little out there for me.
Milo reminds me of the old movie "Milo & Otis." one was a cat and one was a dog and they got lost and had to find their way home.
Quinn reminds me of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman."
Ezra...I like it, but I wouldnt use it.
Quinn, #1 choice, Milo, #2
Both good strong names.
i love milo!
i really dislike ezra... definite NO
quinn is ok but a lot of girls are named this