Baby Names

Boy name spelling (clicky poll)

So, my husband and I have narrowed down our boy name choices and the top pick is Kyler/Cuyler.  He likes the traditional spelling- Cuyler- but I'm afraid that since it's not that common, some people may not know how to pronounce it and it will probably be frequently misspelled- and if they haven't heard of it before, they may just think we spelled it that way to be weird or unique- and I'm really not a fan of "yooneek" spellings so I'd really like to avoid that assumption!  I feel like Kyler is the easier spelling and may save the kid any conversation about how to pronounce/spell it.  Anyone have any feelings one way or the other?
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Re: Boy name spelling (clicky poll)

  • I would go with Kyler.
  • Thanks.  I keep trying to edit it to add a clicky poll but clearly I've never done that before since it doesn't appear to be working!  Oh well.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Kyler to me looks like someone likes Kyle but wanted to update it by adding a letter.

    Cuyler looks like a traditional spelling of the name and that doesn't bother me at all. Like your husband, I appreciate traditional spellings.

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  • imageforensicmama:

    Kyler to me looks like someone likes Kyle but wanted to update it by adding a letter.

    Cuyler looks like a traditional spelling of the name and that doesn't bother me at all. Like your husband, I appreciate traditional spellings.


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  • Thank you!!  I like the traditional spelling, too- but was just afraid it might come across as weird to those who haven't seen/heard it before!  Glad to know it's not so weird after all.  :)

    Our girl name pick starts with 'C' too- so I guess I can start getting things with that initial either way!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The reason traditional spellings fade away is because people fear mispronunciation... or want to be unique. Next thing you know, Schuyler becomes Skylar, etc. I'd stick with traditional.
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  • imagemj.reilly:

    Kyler to me looks like someone likes Kyle but wanted to update it by adding a letter.

    Cuyler looks like a traditional spelling of the name and that doesn't bother me at all. Like your husband, I appreciate traditional spellings.


  • Eh, I've never seen Cuyler before and it looked made up to me. 
  • imageLe Olive:
    Eh, I've never seen Cuyler before and it looked made up to me. 


    I read it as "QUE-LAR". Embarrassed

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  • I have a friend with a little boy and she spelled it Kyler.. The problem with the traditional is I am 24 and I have never seen Cuyler. In fact, I was sitting here trying to pronounce it before I realized it was the same name just differ ent spelling! So, the younger generation of friends, parents, and teachers as he grows up are most likely going to screw it up all his life. Love the name, but I would go with what is the most fail-proff to look at and know right away what it is.. either way, adorable name!
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  • Neither...
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