
MOMs -- post-baby belly question

Did your skin tone continue to improve further out than, say, 2.5 months after delivery?  My tummy is mostly flat now, but my skin is baggy and squishy.

Also, when does that damn linea negra go away????


Re: MOMs -- post-baby belly question

  • I hope so!  I'm in the same situation as you.  The baby weight went away quickly but now I'm left with squishy skin.  ugh!
  • My stomach is still squishy almost 18 months later but it is slowly improving.
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  • Still squishy here.....and the Linea Nigra - BLECH!  Its so gross.  I "think" mine is maybe starting to fade, a little....I hope.
  • Squishy stomach here too. Of course - it might help if I had tme to exercise :-p  My linea negra finally went away around 5 months post partum. 
  • I've lost all the weight, but still have extra skin and squishiness.  Also the linea negra is MUCH lighter, but still there.
  • Still squishy a year out.  The linea negra went away around 10 months or so.

    Random post-twin belly observation- I never used to get zits on my belly, but now I periodically get them, particulary near the top of stretch marks, but that could just be me.

  • Absolutely. I have always had the c-section pouch, but the feel of my belly pretty much eventually went back to normal.
  • Hi,


    6 months on I still have a squishy belly, but have lost all of my weight, and I still look pregnant at times. Its so frustrating at times! But the linea is fading and stretch marks are fading also(which I didn't expect)!

  • Yes, your skin tone WILL improve w/more time. My babies are 18m, & I'm still seeing improvement compared to a few months ago (for sure definite improvement compared to 2.5m pp!). HOWEVER, I think that very few women get back the same belly they had pre-pg. Mine is not bad, but definitely nowhere near as tight & flat as it used to be. (I'm 34 though, so maybe if I were younger...?) It would also help, I'm sure, if I lost about 10 lbs. & did a few crunches every now & then. My stupid linea negra took forever to go away, maybe over a year. If I look really closely now, I can still see it, but it's SO faint no one would ever notice.
  • I still have the squishy jello mold belly too.
  • Squishy skin here too and I'm 15 months out.  Stupid linea negra is still hanging around too... much fainter now, but still there.  I'm under my pre-preg weight, but the loose skin and weak stomach muscles make my muffin top look ever more muffin-y.
  • 2+ years post partum and 30  pounds lighter than my pre pregnancy weight and my belly is still way squishy.   It's disgusting, and when we have an extra 10k lying around, lol..  dh and I discussed that I can consult a plastic surgeon for my belly and my breasts.    I am very upset at how my body looks and - seriously-  I am very far from vain.    One day.... 
  • I am crazy late on this but the answer for me is no. It doesn't get better. Once that skin has lost it's elasticity, it's gone for good.
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  • Squishy belly here!
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