
Jewish moms - bris worries

I'm already dreading my son's bris (this afternoon).  Can anyone share coping skills-- for me during the bris, and for me to help him after?  I'd really appreciate words of wisdom and comfort from other moms who have been through it!

Re: Jewish moms - bris worries

  • Im not jewish...but I might be able to offer a bit of advice... I'm a L&D nurse and have assisted in MANY circ's
    My best advice would be to not watch.... look at his beautiful fingers, toes, nose, ears...just not there and not in his eyes. Count to yourself and hum quietly to distract your mind.
    I can't imagine how hard it will be... I wasn't there when they circ'd either of my boys, and didn't want to be...blessings and peace to you
  • I was so overwhelmed with planning the bris, making sure to talk to all the guests, etc. that it took my mind off the actual reason we were there. I also made sure to stand in a position where I really couldn't see what was going on - kind of behind the mohel. Luckily my son didn't cry too much, and the wine certainly helped him cope. The only thing that freaked me out was seeing the bandages afterward. They are so bloody and gross (sorry for the TMI moment), but once the first set of bandages came off, there was barely any more blood. Do you have a baby nurse? That helped too - she was able to take care of the baby right afterward while I talked to family, etc. It's also easier to either bring him to a quiet corner or to another room alltogether, even though everyone wants to see him.
    Good luck!!

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